Bazaar and Craft Show is November 8th!

The 37th annual Bazaar and Craft show will be on Saturday, November 8th from 9 am to 3 pm. Over 70 vendors will be here showcasing their hand-made items. Church members will be selling crafts and homemade jams, pickles, backed goods, etc. The food court will have pies, soup, and lunch items that can be purchased.

There will be performances by the children’s choir and a 6 person bell ensemble starting at 9:30 am.


Trunk or Treat


Saturday, October 25 6 pm-8 pm

6 pm-7 pm – Trick or Treating – Church Parking Lot

6:30 pm-8 pm – Rader Park Events  (lower campus)


Hayride & Bonfire w/Marshmallow roasting

Snacks & Crafts at Schellenberger Pavilion

Here is How it Works:  The middle parking lot is designated for “Trunk or Treating”.  Anyone wishing to participate in handing out treats should park  in this section. The children will come to each car for their “treat”.  We encourage you to decorate your vehicle, but it is not mandatory.


The most important item – HAVE FUN!




Crown Concert

Sunday October 12th at 3:00 pm

Engaging and eclectic, the Mirari Brass Quintet brings a spirit of joyful collaboration and innovation to music spanning many centuries and genres. The commissioners of multiple new works of brass, the group performs a spectacular tight-rope act, balancing intensity with levity and refined virtuosity with pure fun. – See more at: