Easter Sunday Worship with Communion

easter-sunday-2015Our Easter celebration begins in Rader Park at 7 a.m. as we watch the sun rise over the trees and consider the time when the women who journeyed to the tomb found it empty. We will share communion.

Easter church services – at 9:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. – will be triumphant celebrations complete with additional vocalists and orchestra to create a rich musical sound.

Good Friday Worship

good-friday-2015On the 1st Friday in April from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., contemplating the meaning of the cross with the traditional reading from Mark’s gospel. We will incorporate art work into the service as well as giving voice to some who observed the events.

Maundy Thursday Holy Communion

maundy-thursday-2015We will join together in the sanctuary on Thursday, April 2 at 7:00 p.m. for an intimate worship with communion as we remember Jesus’ last meal with his disciples when he commanded us to “love one another.” The adult choir will be present to support the music.

Week of March 8, 2015

New Members Will Be Received

On Sunday, March 22 at both services we will be receiving new members. If you are interested in joining our journey of faith, we invite you to speak with Pastor Kuhn. There will also be an information session on Sunday, March 15 at 2 PM.

The Jesus  Fatwah: Love your (Muslim) Neighbor as Yourself

A 5 week study course about the Muslim faith.  It will be presented in the Parlor each Sunday through March 8,  10:45 a.m.-noon.  All are welcome to attend.  For more information contact Doris Robb 393-7788 robbed@paonline.

Housing Needed for Special Retreat

The Penn Central Conference is undergoing a time of Self Study in order to chart a vision for the future and to prepare to call a new Conference Minister.  Part of that Self Study will involve a RETREAT on Friday, April 24 to Saturday, April 25 at Church of the Apostles here in Lancaster.   About 40 people will be attending the retreat and some of those people will need accommodations for Friday night the 24th.  The group includes the Conference Board of Directors, Conference staff, the Self Study Task Force, and officers of Associations of the Conference.

COA and other UCC churches have been approached to see if there might be members willing to open their homes for that one night stay.   It is hoped that the guest will have a bedroom and a separate bathroom.  The Friday evening agenda is completed by 9 p.m.   Saturday’s meeting begins at 8:30 a.m.  It would be helpful if the guests could eat breakfast with the host families that morning.

If you are willing to host a guest PLEASE talk to Pastor Kuhn or email Dave Bushnell  (co-chair of the Self Study Task Force) at  abushnell@aol.com.

Parish Life Workshops

All workshops are free to members of our subscribing congregations.  Visit www.ParishResourceCenter.org or call 299-1113 for more information—and to register.

Intergenerational Ministries

Monday, March 16 at 7 p.m. at the Parish Resource Center

Led by Liz Perraud, GenON Ministries

Children and Worship

Thursday, March 19 at 7 p.m. at Mountville Church of the Brethren

Led by Kitty Collier

In this workshop, at Mountville Church of the Brethren, Kitty Collier will show her church’s dedicated space for worship with children.  She will provide an introduction of the basic concepts of helping children worship in this style and participants will explore the setting the church has created for this style of children’s worship. Limit 12 people.

Summer Camp at Hartman Center

Hartman Center is Penn Central Conference’s UCC church camp, located between Lewistown and State College. Brochures for this summer’s camp are posted on the bulletin board outside the nursery. The church provides camperships for one-half of the cost for children of church members to attend camp.  Please contact Linda Lewis at 392-7437 if you would like to apply for a campership.

Hartman Center Spring Retreat

A special one-night camping retreat will be held at Hartman Center on April 10 – 11, for children in 3rd through 6th grades.  This “Younger Youth” camp is to introduce campers to what Hartman Center has to offer.  Please take a registration form from the bulletin board outside the nursery.  The $60 fee includes overnight accommodations, pizza, sundae bar, bon-fire, and a camp-wide scavenger hunt!

Wednesdays in Lent


Join us at 1 p.m. in the sanctuary for worship with communion. We are studying the “I Am” sayings of Jesus from the Gospel of John. Stay for the time of refreshment afterward too!

Services as Usual


Sunday, February 22, we will have worship at the normal times 9:15 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. Holy Communion will be served at both for the 1st Sunday of Lent. Hope to see you there!