Week of August 30, 2015

Food Bank
Beans, rice, canned vegetables, Hamburger Helper meal mixes, potatoes, canned meals, soup, grocery bags.
Packers: Bonnie Capcara, Paul Capcara, Audrey Markle

Suggestion Box
Don’t forget to let us know if you notice something today that should be repaired or replaced.  Write it down on the suggestion card while you’re here and drop it in the suggestion box on the wall beside the parlor. The Property Commission appreciates when our members notice something that needs our attention. Keeping our church attractive and safe is a job all of us can do together.

Harvest Home Sunday
Each year, we celebrate the bounty of the harvest by giving donations to help feed those in need. We ask our church family to bring nonperishable foods to place at the altar on Sunday, September 13th. Monetary gifts may be put into the Harvest Home/Food Bank special offering envelope and placed in the collection plate. Foods most needed are: cereal, peanut butter, canned fruits and vegetables, meat, pasta, rice, spaghetti sauce and soup. Please open your hearts and give generously. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Schock at (717) 569-3837.

Market Basket Anyone?
Would you like to give anywhere from $2.50 to $32.50 a month to help people who need support? That’s what people do when they buy grocery cards. The cards are given to non-profits (like churches) at a 5% discount. You pay the same amount for your groceries, but our Outreach Committee is able to use the discount to support programs like Saturday Morning Breakfast downtown and to purchase grocery cards for the Apostles Assistance Fund.

The cards come from Stauffers, Weis, and Giant. You can choose both the store you want and the amount of the card. Just come into the office after either the first or second service on the first, second, or third Sunday of the month to purchase the cards you want. Then you can pick up the cards the next month during the same weeks as of above.

Everyone goes to the grocery store. Help someone else while you shop!

Heifer Project
As the summer Heifer Fund project draws to a close on September 6, we are asking that children return their pledges and collections by that date to Judy Waltman or Linda Lewis.

Schreiber Pediatric 27th Annual Rubber Duckie Race
On Sunday, September 13th, Schreiber Pediatric Rehab Center will be hosting the 27th Annual Rubber Duckie Race at Lancaster County Central Park to benefit children with disabilities. The Festival runs from 2 p.m.—6 p.m., with the Duck Race beginning at 5 p.m.  There are many festival games, arts and crafts, and activities for children of all ages. Food trucks will also be there. Lisa Christoffel, a Schreiber employee, will be selling ducks between services. They are also available for purchase at Schreiber Pediatric Rehab Center (625 Community Way). Those interested in volunteering or selling duck tickets can contact Marie Johnston at (717) 393-0425 x 129 or at mjohnston@schreiberpediatric.org.

Duck tickets costs are: $5 for a single duck, three for $10, seven for $25, 12 for $50, and 25 for $100.  Prizes will be awarded for winning ducks. Thanks so much for supporting this great organization that serves over 2,000 children per year.


Harvest Home Sunday

Each year, we celebrate the bounty of the harvest by giving donations to help feed those in need. We ask our church family to bring nonperishable foods to place at the altar on Sunday, September 13th. Monetary gifts may be put into the Harvest Home/Food Bank special offering envelope and placed in the collection plate. Foods most needed are: cereal, peanut butter, canned fruits and vegetables, meat, pasta, rice, spaghetti sauce and soup. Please join us in giving.

Week of August 23, 2015

Food Bank
Beans, rice, canned vegetables, Hamburger Helper meal mixes, potatoes, canned meals, soup, grocery bags.
Packers: Kay Custer, Doris Liepa, Lois Schousen

Suggestion Box
Don’t forget to let us know if you notice something today that should be repaired or replaced.  Write it down on the suggestion card while you’re here and drop it in the suggestion box on the wall beside the parlor. The Property Commission appreciates when our members notice something that needs our attention.  Keeping our church attractive and safe is a job all of us can do together.

Schreiber Pediatric 27th Annual Rubber Duckie Race
On Sunday, September 13th, Schreiber Pediatric Rehab Center will be hosting the 27th Annual Rubber Duckie Race at Lancaster County Central Park to benefit children with disabilities. The Festival runs from 2 p.m.—6 p.m., with the Duck Race beginning at 5 p.m.  There are many festival games, arts and crafts, and activities for children of all ages. Food trucks will also be there. Lisa Christoffel, a Schreiber employee, will be selling ducks between services. They are also available for purchase at Schreiber Pediatric Rehab Center (625 Community Way). Those interested in volunteering or selling duck tickets can contact Marie Johnston at (717) 393-0425 x 129 or at mjohnston@schreiberpediatric.org.

Duck tickets costs are: $5 for a single duck, three for $10, seven for $25, 12 for $50, and 25 for $100.  Prizes will be awarded for winning ducks. Thanks so much for supporting this great organization that serves over 2,000 children per year.

Education Commission Survey
The Education Commission thanks everyone who took the time to respond to our survey regarding Adult Education opportunities at Church of the Apostles. We appreciated the nos as well as the yeses so we can better determine general interest. The commission is carefully reading through the comments so we can provide the times and topics that most appeal to those responding.

LCCC Golf Tournament
Lancaster Council of Churches will be holding a golf tournament on Friday, September 11 at 1 p.m at Overlook Golf Course (2040 Lititz Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601). Proceeds from the tournament will help LCCC better provide services to residents of Lancaster; for every $10, LCCC is able to purchase 50 pounds of food for the hungry. The fee per golfer is $95, and each golfer receives light snacks, free practice balls at driving range, greens fee and cart, a chance for door prizes, team and individual prizes, and a meal. Registration and payment are due by August 31. For more information, please call Christine McLain at (717) 690-8049, or visit their website at www.lccouncilofchurches.org.

Choir Retreat
The 2015 Choir Retreat will be held on Saturday, August 29 at the home of Al and Betsy Bischoff from 9 a.m. to noon. This is a great opportunity for each current choir member to bring along someone who is interested in becoming a choir member. Please attempt to find at least one person to bring to the retreat. This may be someone who is potentially a new church member or a current member seeking a way to enhance his or her Sunday worship. In addition, a corn roast, prepared by the Bischoffs, will follow all of Saturday’s events! There is a sign-up list posted in the choir room.


Week of August 16, 2015

Food Bank
Beans, rice, canned vegetables, Hamburger Helper meal mixes, potatoes, canned meals, soup, grocery bags.
Packers: Pat Aichele, Carol Horn, Louise Wagner

Join the Corn Party on Wednesday, August 19 beginning at 9 a.m.
Corn from our Seeds of Hope Garden will be picked and piled outside Fellowship Hall waiting to be husked, blanched, cut, and bagged. All are welcome to come and help get the corn ready to freeze. (Bring your favorite sharp knife). The corn will be used to make soup for our November 14th Bazaar. Questions? Call Doris Robb 393-7788.

Adult Education Survey
Attention All Adults:
This is your final chance to complete the Adult Education survey. In order to serve you better, the Education Commission hopes that ALL adults in the congregation will take a few minutes to answer our survey. If you haven’t already submitted your responses, please do so today! You can fill out the insert in this week’s bulletin (then place in the offering plate or drop it off to the church office), or submit your responses online at www.apostlesucc.org. We value your time and feedback, and we look forward to revising our adult education offerings to best suit the needs and interests of all adults in the congregation. Thank you for helping us to serve you better!

Upcoming Fall Schedule
Summer will soon come to a close, so we would like to update you on COA’s upcoming fall schedule:

  • Children’s Sunday School – Will be held for:

* Preschool – Room 205
* Kindergarten – 2nd Grade – Room 215
* Grades 3-6 – Room 306
* Youth – each week between services in Room 304

  • Adult Sunday School – is unknown at the time of this printing
  • Children’s Choir – Room 310 at 6:00 pm beginning on 9/16
  • Adult Choir – Room 111 at 7:00 pm beginning on 9/10
  • Bell Choir—Sanctuary at 7:30 beginning on 9/15

LCCC Golf Tournament
Lancaster Council of Churches will be holding a golf tournament on Friday, September 11 at 1 p.m at Overlook Golf Course (2040 Lititz Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601). Proceeds from the tournament will help LCCC better provide services to residents of Lancaster; for every $10, LCCC is able to purchase 50 pounds of food for the hungry. The fee per golfer is $95, and each golfer receives light snacks, free practice balls at driving range, greens fee and cart, a chance for door prizes, team and individual prizes, and a meal. Registration and payment are due by August 31. For more information, please call Christine McLain at (717) 690-8049, or visit their website at www.lccouncilofchurches.org.

Choir Retreat
The 2015 Choir Retreat will be held on Saturday, August 29 at the home of Al and Betsy Bischoff from 9:00am to noon. This is a great opportunity for each current choir member to bring along someone who is interested in becoming a choir member. Please attempt to find at least one person to bring to the retreat.  This may be someone who is potentially a new church member or a current member seeking a way to enhance his or her Sunday worship.  In addition, a corn roast, prepared by the Bischoffs, will follow all of Saturday’s events!  There is a sign-up list posted in the choir room.

Saturday Breakfast Ministry

On Saturday, September 5, Church of the Apostles will be serving breakfast to the hungry at First Reformed UCC on Orange Street. Beginning at 8 a.m. a breakfast consisting of eggs, sausage, pancakes, cereal, orange juice, baked goods, coffee, tea, and milk will be prepared and served to approximately 200 appreciative guests.

15-20 volunteers (no experience necessary!) are needed each month for this worthy ministry. If you are interested in volunteering any first Saturday from 8-10:30 a.m. please contact Julie Berkow.

Book Club

Join us on Tuesday, September 8 at 2 p.m. in the library to discuss Searching for Sunday by Rachel Held Evans.

Corn Party!

Join the Corn Party on Wednesday, August 19 beginning at 9 a.m.

Corn from our Seeds of Hope Garden will be picked and piled outside Fellowship Hall waiting to be husked, blanched, cut, and bagged. All are welcome to come and help get the corn ready to freeze. (Bring your favorite sharp knife). The corn will be used to make soup for our November 14th Bazaar.

Week of August 9, 2015

Food Bank
Beans, rice, canned vegetables, Hamburger Helper meal mixes, potatoes, canned meals, soup, grocery bags.
Packers: Janet Derr, Joanne Shenberger

Did you complete your Adult Ed Survey Yet?
The Education Commission wants to hear from every adult in the congregation on what topics you’d like to see covered during the 2015-2016 school year. Please help us help you by submitting your completed survey ASAP. You can either fill out the insert in the bulletin (then place it in the offering plate or return to the church office), or complete the survey online at www.apostlesucc.org. We look forward to your feedback!

Isaac’s/COA LCCC Food Hub Fundraiser
This Wednesday, August 12, Isaac’s Famous Grilled Sandwiches (Downtown Lancaster) will be holding a “Community Night” to benefit Church of the Apostles: Food Hub Fundraiser. Enjoy an evening out with your family and friends while supporting our Lancaster County Council of Churches Food Hub! Twenty-five percent (25%) of the cost of your meal will go directly to our goal of $10,000. Thanks for your support, and we hope to see you there! Please take a flyer with you; flyers can be found on our website at www.apostlesucc.org.

Heifer Project Bake Sale Update
Many thanks to all of the children, youth, and adults who baked, sold, and purchased the goodies on Sunday for the Heifer Fund Bake Sale. As a result of the sale and donations from Sunday, we raised $322!  We are well on our way to purchase a heifer ($500) and/or water buffaloes ($250 each)! The children will decide which animal(s) to purchase based on the amount of money that we have by August 30. Many thanks also to those of you who have sent in monetary donations for this worthy cause.  We welcome any and all donations; you may put a check in the offering plate with “Heifer Project” in the memo section. Thank you so much!

Very Casual Sunday – August 16
As we prepare for next Sunday with its informal style and expanded fellowship time, we also would like to hear what hymns or songs you would like, as we want to sing your favorites. An insert has been included in your bulletin for your use in providing us with your preferences. For our fellowship time, there will be tables set in the narthex with a host and treat at each. We hope you will plan to sit down and get to know people you don’t recognize. We also ask you to wear your name tag to help others “put a face to a name.” At the sermon time, I will also invite you to share discerned thoughts about how we might further our mission to “feed the hungry.”

Bethany’s 152nd Anniversary
Join Bethany Children’s Home (1863 Bethany Road, Womelsdorf, PA 19567) in celebrating their 152nd anniversary on Friday, August 14 from 11 a.m.—9:30 p.m. A $10 children’s armband will cover all games and activities, including a game truck, photo booth, crafts, games, and a firework show. Music will be provided by live bands. For more information, please contact Bethany Children’s Home at (610) 589-4501.

Book Club
The Book Club will meet on Tuesday, August 11 at 2 p.m. in the library to discuss Emily and Einstein by Linda Francis Lee. Please contact Clara Kosmela at (717) 569-9960 if you have any questions.


Casual Sunday – August 16th

On August 16, we will worship and fellowship together for a Very Casual Sunday. Our youth will be coming up from their sleepover in Rader Park in their newly made t-shirts, and you are invited to wear your favorite t-shirt (hopefully your new 40th anniversary COA t-shirt). Each service will be shortened that day to allow extra time for fellowship between the services. We hope you can join us!



Week of August 2, 2015

Food Bank
Beans, rice, canned vegetables, Hamburger Helper meal mixes, potatoes, canned meals, soup, grocery bags. Packers: M.E. Bachman, Dawn Dougherty, Bernie Fickes

Adult Education Survey
Please complete the Adult Education insert in this week’s bulletin, if you didn’t do so last week, and place in the collection plate or return to the church office. (You’ll also find an online version at www.apostlesucc.org, if that’s easier.) Please let us know how COA can better serve your interests and needs through its Adult Education offerings. The Education Commission values your opinions, and looks forward to reading your responses.

Isaac’s/COA LCCC Food Hub Fundraiser
On Wednesday, August 12, Isaac’s Famous Grilled Sandwiches (Downtown Lancaster) will be holding a “Community Night” to benefit Church of the Apostles: Food Hub Fundraiser. Enjoy an evening out with your family and friends while supporting our Lancaster County Council of Churches Food Hub! Twenty-five percent (25%) of the cost of your meal will go directly to our goal of $10,000. Thanks for your support, and we hope to see you there! Please take a flyer with you; flyers can be found on our website at www.apostlesucc.org.

Youth Bake Sale Update
Thank you to everyone who participated in the bake sale last Sunday to sponsor the Youth Mystery Trip on July 30. You helped raise $449! Thank you for supporting our youth.

Lititz Craft Day   
St. Luke’s UCC, Lititz will be selling grilled cheeseburgers (a local favorite) at a stand in the Lititz Springs Park during Craft Day on August 8th from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The cost of a sandwich is $4.00, and parking is available at the church (222 N. Broad Street) from 6:30 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. for $5.00 per car. The craft fair closes the square in Lititz and includes over 700 crafters from the U.S. and Canada throughout the park and along Main and Broad Streets. Remember to stop by their stand if you are planning to attend.

Save the Date! Lancaster British Brass Band
The Lancaster British Brass Band, now in their 11th year of existence, will be performing at Church of the Apostles on Thursday, August 6 at 7:00 p.m. Known as an extremely popular musical ensemble within the Central Pennsylvania Region, the group consists of a fixed 28-piece instrumentation that is often said to sound like a “magnificent pipe organ.”

The repertoire for this concert will include: Symphonic Highlights from “Frozen,” arranged by Stephen Bulla, Hometown Miniatures by Drew Fennell, With Clouds Descending by Philip Sparke, and the featured composition for the evening, Windows of the World by Peter Graham. “Windows of the World” was commissioned by The Yorkshire Building Society (YBS) Band. Peter Graham will take the audience first to Latin America, then to Japan and onwards to Saharan Africa. We get a gentle reprieve via a nostalgic hint of the British Isles before we land in the melting pot of all styles, the USA. In this final section, the driving swing section is abruptly stopped and a drum cadenza leads us back into the opening Latin music.

There is no cost for the concert, however, there will be a free-will offering taken during intermission. Reserved seating is not available, so please arrive early to secure your seat. You can find more details about the Lancaster British Brass Band at www.LancasterBBB.org.