Week of September 27, 2015

Food Bank
Beans, rice, canned vegetables, Hamburger Helper meal mixes, potatoes, canned meals, soup, grocery bags. Packers: Mary Ellen Bachman, Dawn Dougherty, Bernie Fickes

C.A.R.E. Calendars
Andy Appel is selling 2016 calendars between services and after the second service. All the proceeds will be used to purchase rice and beans to feed the hungry as Honduras is in its third year of drought and the area we serve is largely comprised of subsistence farmers. The calendar pictures are prints of paintings done by Honduran sisters (ages 6 and 8) especially for C.A.R.E. A tax letter will be sent to you, if requested. Thank you for helping this project become a reality.

Ecclesiastical Councils today at Willow Street UCC
This afternoon, Kenno Korssa (Member of St. Peter’s) and Liza Garcia (Member of Willow Street) will defend their ordination papers at 3 p.m. at Willow Street UCC. If you need a copy of the ordination paper, please speak with Pastor Kuhn.

Neighbors In Need Special Mission Offering
There will be a special offering on Sunday, October 4 for Neighbors in Need (NIN). NIN is a special mission offering of the UCC that supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. One-third of NIN funds the Council for American Indian Ministry (CAM). Two-thirds of the offering is used by the UCC’s Justice and Witness Ministries (JWM) to support a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects through grants. Neighbors in Need grants are awarded to churches and organizations doing justice work in their communities. These grants fund projects whose work ranges from direct service to community service like our own Seeds of Hope Garden, which we received a grant for several years ago to other ministries. Funding is provided through donations to the Neighbors in Need offering. The special offering envelope for October 4th can be used for your NIN offering. Thank you for considering a donation support these ministries.

New Beginnings
New Beginnings will meet on Thursday, October 8th at 1 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We will begin with a dessert social at 1 p.m. At 1:30 p.m., Jack Oliphant will present a program which will help us understand the relationship between math and music. Please mark your calendar and join us.

Heritage and Horizons
Mark your calendars for the new series of Heritage & Horizons lectures on: Tuesdays September 29, October 6, October 13, October 20, and October 27. It is our 29th year of providing adult learning opportunities, and we have a variety of interesting speakers coming to make presentations. Sessions will be held in the sanctuary at 9:30 a.m.—10:30 a.m. and 10:50 a.m. —11:50 a.m. with a 20-minute refreshment break. The registration fee is $15 for each person for the entire five-week program.

Special Service on October 18
Please mark your calendars as we are having only one 10 a.m. worship service on Sunday, October 18 for the purpose of hearing the trial sermon of our candidate for the Associate Pastor’s position, Rev. Heather Giffen. Immediately following the service, there will be a congregational meeting led by the Lancaster Association Committee on Ministry for us to vote on extending a call to Rev. Giffen. This is a very important service and we hope you will choose to be part of it. Watch for a letter from the church giving more information about Rev. Giffen and multiple opportunities for you to meet her prior to the vote.


Week of September 20, 2015

Food Bank
Beans, rice, canned vegetables, Hamburger Helper meal mixes, potatoes, canned meals, soup, grocery bags.
Packers: Leroy and Beverly Hoffman

Apostles Academy of Arts and Sciences Recital
You are invited to attend the academy recital being held today at 3 p.m. in the sanctuary featuring students of various instruments. Some of the featured instruments are: piano, strings, trumpet, and woodwinds. The recital will also include an art showcase by featured students of Steve Wilson’s Art Studio! Please come out and support the arts.

Budget Review
The Stewardship Commission invites you to take part in the budget process. Copies of the proposed 2016 budget are available at the Welcome Center now for you to study. There are four scheduled times to get together to ask questions and make suggestions before the annual meeting. Meetings will be held between the worship services: today, September 20, and October 4 and on Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. on September 30 and October 14. Also, feel free to attend our Stewardship Meetings on September 17 and October 15, also at 7 p.m. We are actively seeking your input in this important process. If you would like to set up a different time, please contact Karen Culp at (717) 299-3989.

C.A.R.E. Calendars
Andy Appel is selling 2016 calendars between services and after the second service. All the proceeds will be added to funding for the FIFTH school being built in Honduras by C.A.R.E. and its partners—one of which is Church of the Apostles. The calendar pictures are prints of paintings done by Honduran sisters (ages 6 and 8) especially for C.A.R.E. A tax letter will be sent to you, if requested. Thank you for helping this project become a reality.

New Beginnings
New Beginnings will meet on Thursday, October 8th at 1 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We will begin with a dessert social at 1 p.m. At 1:30 p.m., Jack Oliphant will present a program which will help us understand the relationship between math and music. Please mark your calendar and join us.

Heritage and Horizons
Mark your calendars for the new series of Heritage & Horizons lectures on: Tuesdays September 29, October 6, October 13, October 20, and October 27. It is our 29th year of providing adult learning opportunities, and we have a variety of interesting speakers coming to make presentations. Sessions will be held in the sanctuary at 9:30 a.m.—10:30 a.m. and 10:50 a.m. —11:50 a.m. with a 20-minute refreshment break. The registration fee is $15 for each person for the entire five-week program.

Church Activity Photos
A picture is worth a thousand words! As we seek to tell others about our church and ministries through our website and social media, we are asking that you, members of COA, who attend any church activities please take a few moments to take photos whenever possible. Cell phone photos are acceptable; and the more, the better! Please submit your photos to Michelle Ayala at MichelleA@apostlesucc.org. With your help, our church can begin to reach thousands more with our message.


New Beginnings

New Beginnings will meet on Thursday, October 8th at 1 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We will begin with a dessert social at 1 p.m. At 1:30 p.m., Jack Oliphant will present a program which will help us understand the relationship between math and music. Please mark your calendar and join us.


Heritage & Horizons

Heritage and Horizons
Mark your calendars for the new series of Heritage & Horizons lectures on: Tuesdays September 29, October 6, October 13, October 20, and October 27.
Sessions will be held in the sanctuary of Church of the Apostles at 9:30 a.m.—10:30 a.m. and 10:50 a.m. —11:50 a.m. with a 20-minute refreshment break. The registration fee is $15 for each person for the entire five-week program.

Week of September 13, 2015

Food Bank
Beans, rice, canned vegetables, Hamburger Helper meal mixes, potatoes, canned meals, soup, grocery bags. Packers: Linda Schock, M Van Buskirk, Cindy Williams.

Children’s Ministry Team Meeting
There is a Children’s Ministry Team meeting today, September 13th, at 10:30 a.m. in room 304. All are welcome to attend.

Budget Review
The Stewardship Commission invites you to take part in the budget process. Copies of the proposed 2016 budget are available at the Welcome Center now for you to study. There are four scheduled times to get together to ask questions and make suggestions before the annual meeting. Meetings will be held between the worship services on September 20 and October 4 and on Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. on September 30 and October 14. Also, feel free to attend our Stewardship Meetings on September 17 and October 15, also at 7 p.m. We are actively seeking your input in this important process. If you would like to set up a different time, please contact Karen Culp at (717) 299-3989.

Adult Sunday School
The Exploring Faith adult Sunday school class will start meeting at 9:15 a.m. on September 20th in the parlor. The focus for the first six weeks will be the life and message of the Apostle Paul. All adults are welcome!

New Beginnings
New Beginnings will meet on Thursday, October 8th at 1 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We will begin with a dessert social at 1 p.m. At 1:30 p.m., Jack Oliphant will present a program which will help us understand the relationship between math and music. Please mark your calendar and join us.

Heritage and Horizons
Mark your calendars for the new series of Heritage & Horizons lectures on: Tuesdays September 29, October 6, October 13, October 20, and October 27. It is our 29th year of providing adult learning opportunities, and we have a variety of interesting speakers coming to make presentations. Sessions will be held in the sanctuary at 9:30 a.m.—10:30 a.m. and 10:50 a.m. —11:50 a.m. with a 20-minute refreshment break. The registration fee is $15 for each person for the entire five-week program.

New Exercise Classes
New sessions of Pilates and Weight Training for Women will be starting here at the church on October 5th. There will be two Pilates classes (open to both men and women) offered: one on Monday evenings from 7-8 p.m. and the other on Tuesday evenings from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Weight Training for Women will be offered on Saturday mornings from 9-10 a.m.

All classes can be modified by a seasoned instructor to suit students from beginner to advanced. Bring a towel or mat to class. All apparatus will be supplied by the instructor. A session consists of 13 weeks and the cost is $130.00 per session per class. Missed classes can be made up in one of the other scheduled classes.

If you are interested in joining, please contact Karen Cox at (717) 203-8081 or kcox@ptd.net. You can also just show up for your first class.


Exploring Faith Class

The Exploring Faith adult Sunday school class will start meeting at 9:15 a.m. on September 20th in the parlor. The focus for the first six weeks will be the life and message of the Apostle Paul. All adults are welcome!


Children’s Sunday

September 13th will be a busy Sunday for the children at Church of Apostles!

  • Children entering 3rd grade, kindergarten, and preschool will be presented with a Bible or a Bible storybook.
  • All children are to bring their school backpacks for a “Blessing of the Backpacks.”
  • Sunday school and preschool teachers will be commissioned for the 2015-2016 school year.
  • The children will explain their “Potato Bug” project and make an important presentation to the church.

Week of September 6, 2015

Food Bank
Needs: Beans, rice, canned vegetables, Hamburger Helper meal mixes, potatoes, canned meals, soup, grocery bags. Packers: Church office closed.

Labor Day
The church office will be closed on Monday, September 7th in observance of Labor Day.

Harvest Home Sunday
Each year, we celebrate the bounty of the harvest by giving donations to help feed those in need. We ask our church family to bring nonperishable foods to place at the table next Sunday, September 13th. Monetary gifts may be put into the Harvest Home/Food Bank special offering envelope and placed in the collection plate. Foods most needed are: cereal, peanut butter, canned fruits and vegetables, meat, pasta, rice, spaghetti sauce and soup. Please open your hearts and give generously. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Schock at (717) 569-3837.

Market Basket Anyone?
Would you like to give anywhere from $2.50 to $32.50 a month to help people who need support? That’s what people do when they buy grocery cards. The cards are given to non-profits (like churches) at a 5% discount. You pay the same amount for your groceries, but our Outreach Committee is able to use the discount to support programs like Saturday Morning Breakfast downtown and to purchase grocery cards for the Apostles Assistance Fund.

The cards come from Stauffers, Weis, and Giant. You can choose both the store you want and the amount of the card. Just come into the office after either the first or second service on the first, second, or third Sunday of the month to purchase the cards you want. Then you can pick up the cards the next month during the same weeks as of above.

Everyone goes to the grocery store. Help someone else while you shop!

Lancaster Interchurch Speaker
Dr. Seyed Mousavian of Princeton University will speak on “Iran and the US: The Nuclear Deal and Beyond”  at Church of the Apostles on Saturday, September 12th at 7:00 p.m. This event is sponsored by Lancaster Interchurch Peace Witness.

Mousavian, who earned a PhD in international relations from the University of Kent in the U.K., is a Research Scholar at the Program on Science and Global Security. He is also a former diplomat who served as Iran’s Ambassador to Germany (1990-1997), Head of the Foreign Relations Committee of Iran’s National Security Council (1997-2005), and Spokesman for Iran in its nuclear negotiations with the international community (2003-2005). To learn more about Dr. Seyed Mousavian, please visit www.hosseinmousavian.com.

Please join us on Saturday for this timely discussion.

Preschool Job Opening
Do you have a love of young children? Have you ever considered working with children, or do you currently work with children?

Apostles Community Preschool has an immediate opening for a Monday / Wednesday Aide from 8:40 a.m. to 11:50 a.m., with some additional time for staff meetings and other minimum obligations. The position will support the classroom teacher and require directly working with children; therefore, all necessary clearances will be required. Complete job requirements are available. If interested, please contact Julia Connolly at (717) 392-5598 or email her directly at JConnolly.ACP@gmail.com.