COA Food Hub Fundraiser

COA will be hosting a Food Hub Fundraiser in conjunction with Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant on Tuesday, November 17 (all day.) Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant will donate 20% of your bill (excluding alcoholic beverages, tax, and gratuities) to the Food Hub. Please click here to print a coupon and make sure to bring it with you to turn it in with your bill, or it cannot be counted for the 20% donation.

Reservations are not required, but are recommended if you have any parties that would like to sit together. Reservations can be made by calling 717-291-9800.

Thank you for your support, and make sure to invite your friends and family!

Adult Education Class

Old Testament Prophets: Wisdom and Council for Our Time
Come and explore the relevance of the prophets’ teaching in our lives today. Following each week’s presentation there will be an opportunity for reflection and discussion. All are welcome! Classes will be hosted by Dr. Donald Freeman, Professor Emeritus at Lancaster Theological Seminary, on Wednesday evenings, October 21—November 18, at 7 p.m. in the parlor.


Christmas in the Country Bazaar

An annual holiday bazaar of Church of the Apostles on the second Saturday of November each year that highlights over 60 juried craftspeople, a church members’ craft room, homemade soups, pies, sandwiches and beef barbecue in a bustling food court.



Week of October 25, 2015

Food Bank
Beans, rice, canned vegetables, Hamburger Helper meal mixes, potatoes, canned meals, soup, grocery bags.

Bazaar Soup Needs Volunteers
Come for a time of fun and fellowship! We will be making our delicious soups with your expert help! We need volunteers for:
Monday, November 9th: 9 a.m.-12 p.m. or 1 p.m.-4 p.m.
We will be cutting up all the vegetables and cooking and cutting up some of the chicken. It will be all hands on deck!
Tuesday, November 10: 9 a.m.-12 p.m. or 1 p.m.-4 p.m.
We will be cooking & cutting the rest of the chicken & making chicken corn soup with the corn from our church garden!
Wednesday, November 11: 9 a.m.-12 p.m. or 1 p.m.-4 p.m.
We will be cooking and cutting beef and preparing our vegetable beef soup.
Thursday, November 12: 9 a.m.-12 p.m. or 1 p.m.-2:30 p.m.
We will be making our vegetarian chili.

We also need volunteers to help heat up and stir the soup on Saturday, November 14th. We really need some young men and young Dads with strong backs to help lift the soup kettles and to help get the soup containers out of the refrigerated truck. If you are helping us in the kitchen on Saturday, November 14th, please arrive at 7:30 a.m. We also need volunteers to help clean up the kitchen afterward. Lunch will be provided every day. If you would be interested in volunteering, please contact Cindy Williams at (717) 572-3808.

New Beginnings
Come join us for a long-time Christmas tradition and carol singing. A “Christmas Banquet” will be held on Friday, December 11th at 12 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The cost is $20 per person. Please make checks out to COA and write “Christmas Banquet” in the memo portion. Checks must be given to Bill Higgs by December 6th. Transportation for Homestead attendees will be provided by the Homestead van.

Help Needed
Eric MacLaren, our Sexton, is requesting some help Wednesday, November 12, from 5 p.m. until done to move furniture, etc. from the Sunday school and Preschool rooms to make space for our vendors. After the Bazaar, beginning at 6 p.m., Eric will be needing help again to return the furniture for our Sunday services. Please let him know if you are able to assist. Both Eric and Larry Rongoni are invaluable helpers for our Bazaar.

Craft Circle
The Craft Circle will be meeting in November as follows:

  • November 4 — 7 p.m.
  • November 11 — 4 p.m. to set up for the Bazaar
  • November 18 — 7:00 p.m. to clean up after the Bazaar
  • November 25 — No Craft Circle

Blankets Plus Sunday
Blankets Plus Sunday is supported by Church World Service Worldwide, and is more than just blankets. Each $10 donation will provide blankets, tools, seeds to provide better meals, and literacy and life-skills training as a first step to break the cycle of poverty and to improve one’s health. As you can see, the “Plus” in Blankets Plus can mean many things, but today we want you to be that “Plus.” Your contributions will benefit persons in the U.S. and around the world. Thank you for your support!

Education Survey
Hey there! Did you see that colored insert in last week’s bulletin? Did you fill it out and put it in the offering plate? It’s the one that had “Feed my lambs” at the top – it’s from the Education Commission, and we need your help! If you’ve joined COA in the past few years – if you have kids involved any of our children’s and youth ministries – or even if you’ve been a member for years and you value these ministries to the youngest members of our flock – then please consider how YOU might help! We’re talking just a few hours of your time per year; help us make these ministries even stronger! We look forward to hearing from you, and thank you for prayerfully considering how you can give back to our children and youth!


Week of October 18, 2015

Food Bank
Beans, rice, canned vegetables, Hamburger Helper meal mixes, potatoes, canned meals, soup, grocery bags.
Packers: Kay Custer, Doris Liepa, Lois Schousen

Congregational Vote
Today we will have only one 10 a.m. worship service for the purpose of hearing our candidate for the Associate Pastor’s position, Rev. Heather Giffen. Immediately following the service, there will be a congregational meeting led by the Lancaster Association Committee on Ministry for us to vote on extending a call to Rev. Giffen. This is a very important service and we hope you will choose to be part of the process.

All Saints Sunday is November 1st
We will remember those who have died in the past year by placing white roses at the table. Should you wish to have your loved one commemorated at this service, please contact the church office at (717) 392-5718 with your name, the name of your loved one, and the date of death by October 25th. We will also need the name of the individual and the time of the worship service they will be attending in order to receive the rose placed in memory of their loved one.

Craft Circle
The Craft Circle will be meeting on Wednesdays, October 21, and 28 at 7 p.m. If you are available, please join the group to prepare crafts for the upcoming bazaar.

Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat will be held on Saturday, October 24, at 6 p.m. as follows:
* 6 p.m.-7 p.m. : Trick or Treating in the church parking lot
* 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m. : Rader Park events will include hayride & bonfire with marshmallow   roasting and snacks & crafts at Schellenberger Pavilion
This is a great intergenerational event for ALL church members to participate in – not just families of young children!  Any church member may park a car in the parking lot and open a trunk to give out treats to the children who visit. Costumes and car decorations are optional. It’s lots of fun for young and old alike!  The more members who participate, the more fun it is for the children! If you don’t have a car, come to enjoy seeing the children dressed up. We hope to see you there!

Pie Pre-Order Form
Every year, the Bischoff family, volunteer friends, and choir members bake pies to sell at the choir table at the Bazaar. The enclosed pre-order form helps us determine the kinds of pies and amounts that we need to bake. Please fill out the form to pre-order your pies, or fill it out online at Please give the form to any choir member or drop it off in the church office by Thursday, November 5. Please do not include payment. We will hold your pies at the choir bake table until 1 p.m. on Saturday, November 14, unless you request special arrangements.

Adult Education Class
Old Testament Prophets: Wisdom and Council for Our Time
Come and explore the relevance of the prophets’ teaching in our lives today. Following each week’s presentation there will be an opportunity for reflection and discussion. All are welcome! Classes will be hosted by Dr. Donald Freeman, Professor Emeritus at Lancaster Theological Seminary, on Wednesday evenings, October 21—November 18, at 7 p.m. in the parlor.

Widower’s Support Group
The Widower’s Support Group will meet on Wednesday, October 28th in the parlor at 10 a.m. with Pastor Kuhn. This group gives widowers an opportunity for sharing the challenges and coping strategies of life without a wife. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. Please call the church office to let us know if you or someone you know is interested in attending.

Do you feel called to serve the youngest members of our flock? Then the Education Commission wants to hear from YOU! We are seeking to expand our volunteer pool of adults who work in our children’s and youth education ministries. If you’ve been a member of COA for at least six months, please see the Education Commission’s insert in today’s bulletin. Please consider volunteering a few hours of your time; you may place your completed inserts in the offering plate, or return them to the church office. (And if you know of someone who might like to volunteer but couldn’t make church today, tell them to look for the insert in next Sunday’s bulletin!) The Education Commission and the youngest members of our congregation thank you in advance!


Widower’s Support Group

The Widower’s Support Group will meet on Wednesday, October 28th in the parlor at 10 a.m. with Pastor Kuhn. This group gives widowers an opportunity for sharing the challenges and coping strategies of life without a wife. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. Please call the church office at 392-5718 to let us know if you’re interested in attending.

Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat will be held on Saturday, October 24 as follows:
* 6 p.m.-7 p.m. : Trick or Treating in the church parking lot
* 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m. : Rader Park events will include hayride & bonfire with marshmallow roasting and snacks & crafts at Schellenberger Pavilion

This is a great intergenerational event for everyone to participate in – not just families of young children! Any church member may park a car in the parking lot and open a trunk to give out treats to the children who visit. Costumes and car decorations are optional. It’s lots of fun for young and old alike! We hope to see you there!

Week of October 11, 2015

Food Bank
Beans, rice, canned vegetables, Hamburger Helper meal mixes, potatoes, canned meals, soup, grocery bags. Packers: Pat Aichele, Carol Horn, Louise Wagner

If you are interested in taking a tour of the Lancaster County Council of Church’s new location on Queen Street, please sign up on the sign-up sheet in the Narthex.

Special Service on October 18
Next Sunday, October 18, we will have only one 10 a.m. worship service for the purpose of hearing our candidate for the Associate Pastor’s position, Rev. Heather Giffen. Immediately following the service, there will be a congregational meeting led by the Lancaster Association Committee on Ministry for us to vote on extending a call to Rev. Giffen. This is a very important service and we hope you will choose to be part of it.

Meet the Candidate
There are sign-up sheets by the steps in the Narthex for you to choose a time to meet Rev. Heather Giffen, the candidate for Associate Pastor. Please let us know which time(s) you will attend so that we may accurately plan for food and refreshments. All sessions are open to anyone. Please help us by noting your plans with your signature.

All Saints Sunday is November 1st
We will remember those who have died in the past year by placing white roses at the table. Should you wish to have your loved one commemorated at this service, please contact the church office at (717) 392-5718 with your name, the name of your loved one, and the date of death by October 25th. We will also need the name of the individual and the time of the worship service they will be attending in order to receive the rose placed in memory of their loved one.

Craft Circle
The Craft Circle will be meeting on Wednesdays, October 14, 21, and 28 at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. If you are available, please join the group to prepare crafts for the upcoming bazaar.

Lancaster Interchurch Speaker
Lynn “Chris” Hedges, a journalist, activist, author, and Presbyterian minister, will speak on “Current Changes in the Middle East and the Endless War on Terror” at Church of the Apostles on October 17th at 7 p.m. Currently, Hedges serves as a columnist for Truthdig, senior fellow at The Nation Institute in New York City, and contributing author for OpEdNews. He received a Pulitzer Prize in 2002, as well as Amnesty International Global Award for Human Rights Journalism. Hedges earned a M.Div from Harvard Divinity School, and has taught at Columbia University, New York University, Princeton University, and the University of Toronto. Please join us for this timely discussion.

Adult Education Class
Old Testament Prophets: Wisdom and Council for Our Time
Come and explore the relevance of the prophets’ teaching in our lives today. Following each week’s presentation there will be an opportunity for reflection and discussion. All are welcome! Classes will be hosted by Dr. Donald Freeman, Professor Emeritus at Lancaster Theological Seminary, on Wednesday evenings, October 21—November 18, at 7 p.m. in the parlor.


Lancaster Interchurch Speaker

Lancaster Interchurch Speaker

Lynn “Chris” Hedges, a journalist, activist, author, and Presbyterian minister, will speak on “Current Changes in the Middle East and the Endless War on Terror” at Church of the Apostles on October 17th at 7 p.m. Currently, Hedges serves as a columnist for Truthdig, senior fellow at The Nation Institute in New York City, and contributing author for OpEdNews. He received a Pulitzer Prize in 2002, as well as Amnesty International Global Award for Human Rights Journalism. Hedges earned a M.Div from Harvard Divinity School, and has taught at Columbia University, New York University, Princeton University, and the University of Toronto. Please join us for this timely discussion.


Pie Pre-Order Form

Every year, the Bischoff family, volunteer friends, and choir members bake pies to sell at the choir table at the Bazaar. This pre-order form helps us
determine the kinds of pies and amounts that we need to bake.

Please fill out the form on the back of this sheet to pre-order your pies. Please give the form to any choir member, email it to, or drop it off in the church office by Thursday, November 5. Do not include payment. We will hold your pies at the choir bake table until 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 14, unless you request special arrangements.

Please click here to download the order form.