Lancaster-Lebanon Handbell Festival

The 13th anniversary of the Lancaster-Lebanon Handbell Festival will take place Saturday, March 12, 2016 at Church of the Apostles UCC (1850 Marietta Ave, Lancaster, PA). Sixteen bell choirs will ring during this event, including a special appearance by Bell Amis under the artistic direction of Ron Bellamy. Bell Amis is an elite ensemble made up of some of the best handbell ringers in southeastern Pennsylvania. Bell Amis will perform “The Shepherd’s Dream” composed by the festival clinician Alan Reese, musical director of Virginia Handbell Consort, a clinician and massed conductor at local and Area 2 and 3 events, and former Associate Conductor for Distinctly Bronze in 2015. He is also a member of the faculty for the Department of Visual and Performing Arts/Division of Music at Norfolk State University. The public concert portion of this festival will take place at 3 pm and a good-will offering will be received. For more information about attending the concert, please contact Jeff Clouser, Festival Coordinator at

Week of February 28, 2016

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.

Family Movie Night
Join us on Friday, March 4 at 6:30 pm to see Disney’s “Inside Out”! All are welcome to meet in the Fellowship Hall for the movie and snacks. Parents are invited to help stuff Easter eggs for our Easter egg hunt on March 19th.

New Moms Support—Volunteers Needed!
Volunteers are needed to take meals to Anne Hambrick-Stowe Rankin, her husband, Rev. Chris Rankin, and their two older children. Anne and Chris had a premature baby boy named Andrew at the end of January, and he is now home. Please see Donna Carr to volunteer, or you may contact her at (717) 475-5285.

Mission Fest & Crispus Attucks Meal
On Sunday, March 13th at 9:15 am (after children’s time), Sunday school classes will meet in the Fellowship Hall for a puppet show, crafts, and to prepare dessert for the Crispus Attucks meal.

Donations needed include:

  • 1 dozen cookies for Sunday school classes to decorate
  • Underwear – adult and children sizes – to be given to those attending the meal

Volunteers will meet at Crispus Attucks (407 Howard Avenue) at 4 pm to set up and prepare the meal being served. Volunteers are also needed at 6:15 pm to help clean up the COA kitchen. Please contact Judy Waltman to sign up.

Wishing Well
We are going to continue to reach out to those in our community by collecting needed items for the Transitional Living Center (TLC) on King Street. TLC helps many homeless people by providing safe and caring shelter to them until they are able to obtain housing of their own. We will be collecting needed supplies in the Wishing Well during the months of March and April. You can find items needed on two posters (one above the Wishing Well and one on the Outreach bulletin board in the Narthex). Please place items in the well by the end of April. If you have any questions, please see Jane McCartney.

Invest in the Youth—Buy Stock!
Throughout the month of March, the youth will be selling certificates of “stock” in between services that will allow you to invest in the youth for their trip to the National Youth Event this summer. Each of these certificates will be sold for a minimum of $20 each, and will become your “ticket” to our Stockholder’s Dinner on Sunday, August 28, where the youth will do a presentation on their trip in the Fellowship Hall.

New Beginnings
Following a dessert social at 1:00 pm on Thursday, April 14 in the Fellowship Hall, New Beginnings will participate in an adult educational session of “What in the World is This?” (WITWIT). The session will feature lesser-known facts about the world we live in, presented in a multiple-choice format with individual and table competitions.  Come, join in the fun, and learn some things you may not have known before.

Adult Education
The adult education class “Who is My Neighbor?” will continue to meet each Sunday at  10:45 am until March 20th. This program is highlighting speakers on Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. All are welcome to participate in this informative series. Child care will be available. If you have any questions, please contact Doris Robb at (717) 393-7788.


Adult Education: Who Is My Neighbor?

Church of the Apostles, United Church of Christ will be presenting a series of programs entitled “Who is My Neighbor?”. The series is intended to introduce participants to faith practices of our Lancaster neighbors other than those of traditional Christian faiths. There will be a series of seven presentations beginning Sunday, February 7 from 10:45 am until noon, and continuing each Sunday through March 20.

The series will be as follows:

February 7th “Who Is My Neighbor?” Doris Robb, facilitator
Participants will be given an overview of the series. They will have an opportunity to share and discuss their own experiences and submit questions they may have for future facilitators and presenters to address.

February 14th “Hinduism” Dr. Jeffery Long, presenter
Dr. Jeffery Long is a Professor of Religion and Asian Studies at Elizabethtown College. He is the author of three books and a wide array of articles on Hinduism, Indian philosophy, and religious pluralism.

February 21st “Buddhism” Dr. Jeffery Long, presenter

February 28th “The Muslim Community in Lancaster” Caroline Badri and Dr. Vinitha Amanullah, presenters Caroline Badri teaches technology at Lancaster Country Day School. Dr. Vinitha Amanullah is a pediatrician in Lancaster and a member of the Islamic Center.

March 6th “Islam” Dr. Richard Newton, presenter
Dr. Newton is an Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Elizabethtown College. He offers courses in New Testament, African American Religions, Islam, and Theories & Methods in Religious Studies.

March 13th “Islam” Dr. Richard Newton, presenter

March 20th “Lancaster’s Refugee Population” Jessica Knapp, presenter
Jessica Knapp is an employee of IU-13, and serves as the Facilitator for the Lancaster County Refugee Coalition, as well as Refugee Center Facilitator for the Refugee Center at Reynolds Middle School in Lancaster.

Family Movie Night

Join us on Friday, March 4 at 6:30 pm to see Disney’s “Inside Out”! All are welcome to meet in the Fellowship Hall for the movie and snacks. Parents are invited to help stuff Easter eggs for our Easter egg hunt on March 19th.


Week of February 21, 2016

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.

Market Basket
Don’t forget to pick up your grocery card order and place your order for next month. Grocery cards are available from Giant, Stauffers, and Weis. Our discount helps to feed the homeless downtown.

Wishing Well
For the month of February, we are collecting new or gently-used jackets/coats for men, women, and children; new or gently-used bed linens and towels; and new warm hats, scarves, mittens, and gloves for the Lancaster County Council of Churches on Queen Street. Please place these donations in the Wishing Well throughout the month. Thank you in advance for participating.

Family Movie Night
Join us on Friday, March 4 at 6:30 pm to see Disney’s “Inside Out”! All are welcome to meet in the Fellowship Hall for the movie and snacks. Parents are invited to help stuff Easter eggs for our Easter egg hunt on March 19th.

Parish Resource Center
Please note that the Parish Resource Center has relocated to a newly-renovated space at 2160 Lincoln Highway East, Lancaster (between Friendly’s Restaurant and Lancaster Mennonite School). Their new phone number is (717) 299-1113 and their hours of operation will remain the same—Monday & Tuesday 8 am to 8 pm and Wednesday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm.

COA Adult Coloring
All are welcome to enjoy some adult coloring! Bring your own coloring book or you are also welcome to work on a church poster with other members. Please plan to meet on Saturday, February 27 at 1 pm at 1870 Villa Court, Lancaster. If you have any questions, please contact Ellen Schellenberger.

Join the Conversation!
Rev. Kathy Kuhn and Rev. Heather Giffen will be sharing their Lenten practices with you throughout Lent. To join the conversation, please follow them on Twitter and Instagram at @ApostlesUCCLanc. You can also search for and use our official church hashtag #COAUCC at any time to join the discussion, or to catch up on what’s going on at COA.

Mission Fest & Crispus Attucks Meal
On Sunday, March 13th at 9:15 am (after children’s time), Sunday school classes will meet in the Fellowship Hall for a puppet show, crafts, and to prepare dessert for the Crispus Attucks meal.

Donations needed include:

  • 1 dozen cookies for Sunday school classes to decorate
  • Underwear – adult and children sizes – to be given to those attending the meal

Volunteers will meet at Crispus Attucks (407 Howard Avenue) at 4 pm to set up and prepare the meal being served. Volunteers are also needed at 6:15 pm to help clean up the COA kitchen. Please contact Judy Waltman to sign up.

Adult Education
The adult education class “Who is My Neighbor?” will continue to meet each Sunday at  10:45 am until March 20th. This program is highlighting speakers on Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. All are welcome to participate in this informative series. Child care will be available. If you have any questions, please contact Doris Robb at (717) 393-7788.


Week of February 14, 2016

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.

Market Basket
Don’t forget to pick up your grocery card order and place your order for next month. Grocery cards are available from Giant, Stauffers, and Weis. Our discount helps to feed the homeless downtown.

Wishing Well
For the month of February, we are collecting new or gently-used jackets/coats for men, women, and children; new or gently-used bed linens and towels; and new warm hats, scarves, mittens, and gloves for the Lancaster County Council of Churches on Queen Street. Please place these donations in the Wishing Well throughout the month. Thank you in advance for participating.

Join the Conversation!
Rev. Kathy Kuhn and Rev. Heather Giffen will be sharing their Lenten practices with you throughout Lent. To join the conversation, please follow them on Twitter and Instagram at @ApostlesUCCLanc. You can also search for and use our official church hashtag #COAUCC at any time to join the discussion, or to catch up on what’s going on at COA.

 Lent Services
Services will be held at 7 pm in the Sanctuary on Wednesdays throughout Lent from February 17—March 16. Each week, we will engage part of our body in further understanding who we are and who God calls us to be. After conversation on the different ways in which to engage, we will practice a spiritual discipline together and connect with one another through the Sacrament of Communion. We hope you will join us on this journey.

Mission Fest & Crispus Attucks Meal
On Sunday, March 13th at 9:15 am (after children’s time), Sunday school classes will meet in the Fellowship Hall for a puppet show, crafts, and to prepare dessert for the Crispus Attucks meal.

Donations needed include:

  • 1 dozen cookies for Sunday school classes to decorate
  • Underwear – adult and children sizes – to be given to those attending the meal

Volunteers will meet at Crispus Attucks (407 Howard Avenue) at 4 pm to set up and prepare the meal being served. Volunteers are also needed at 6:15 pm to help clean up the COA kitchen. Please contact Judy Waltman to sign up.

Bunny Breakfast & Egg Hunt
This year’s Bunny Breakfast & Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, March 19th. For candy donations, we are requesting plain Hershey’s kisses only and goldfish in individual bags for the egg hunt. Donations will be collected on the table in the church office and are needed no later than March 10th.

Thank You!
Thank you to all the ushers who attended the ushers’ meeting. The Worship Commission appreciates all you do to make things run smoothly Sunday mornings, and we thank you for that. If you did not make the meeting, the “Usher Responsibilities” updates are in the office and they can be picked up anytime. If you have any questions, please contact Bernie Fickes at (717) 393-6644.

Adult Education

The adult education class “Who is My Neighbor?” will continue to meet each Sunday at  10:45 am until March 20th. This program is highlighting speakers on Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. All are welcome to participate in this informative series. Child care will be available. If you have any questions, please contact Doris Robb at (717) 393-7788.

Exploring Faith
Please note that Exploring Faith will not meet until Sunday, March 27th.


Lent Services

Services will be held at 7 pm in the Sanctuary on Wednesdays throughout Lent from February 17—March 16. Each week, we will engage part of our body in further understanding who we are and who God calls us to be. After conversation on the different ways in which to engage, we will practice a spiritual discipline together and connect with one another through the Sacrament of Communion. We hope you will join us on this journey.


Widow’s Support Group

Widows who are looking for others to talk with about the loss of a spouse are invited to join Pastor Kuhn tomorrow, February 24 in the Parlor from 9:30-11:00 am. Refreshments and snacks will be shared with those who are looking for this conversation. Church members and non-members are welcome.

Widower Support Group

On Wednesday, February 17 at 3 pm, Rev. Kathryn Kuhn will facilitate a group discussion on the life changes that follow the loss of a spouse. Recognizing that your journeys are all different, we thought this may be an outlet for you to find support and to support others in their respective experiences. We will have coffee and pastries for your enjoyment and hope you will seriously consider attending. Please call the church office at (717) 392-5718 if you would like to join us.

Week of February 7, 2016

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.

Market Basket
Today is your first chance to sign up for Market Basket to collect this month’s grocery cards. Grocery cards are available from Giant, Stauffers, and Weis. Our discount helps to feed the homeless downtown.

Souper Bowl Reminder
Today, we will be collecting food and/or monetary donations for our local food banks. Please give your donation to the children collecting them after the service.

New Beginning
Would you like to shake off the winter blues? Join us for a Bingo and Dessert Social on Thursday, February 11. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 1:00 pm beginning with dessert and a game of Bingo will follow. We hope to see you there!

Youth Fundraiser
Would you like to have a Valentine’s Day getaway with your special someone without the kids? On Saturday, February 13, the youth are holding a babysitting fundraiser in the Fellowship Hall from 5-8 pm. The Youth Group and their parents with clearances and First Aid training will oversee fun activities and enjoy snacks. The cost is $20 for one child and $5 for each additional child of that family (Please note: An additional charge will be $10/10 minutes late). We welcome children of all ages. Proceeds will go toward the National Youth Event trip.

Wishing Well
For the month of February, we are collecting new or gently-used jackets/coats for men, women, and children; new or gently-used bed linens and towels; and new warm hats, scarves, mittens, and gloves for the Lancaster County Council of Churches on Queen Street. Please place these donations in the Wishing Well throughout the month. Thank you in advance for participating.

Bunny Breakfast & Egg Hunt
This year’s Bunny Breakfast & Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, March 19th. For candy donations, we are requesting plain Hershey’s kisses only and goldfish in individual bags for the egg hunt. Donations will be collected on the table in the church office and are needed no later than March 10th.

Lent Services
The season of Lent begins with an Ash Wednesday worship service on February 10 at 7 pm in the Sanctuary. With this day, and those that follow until Easter, we pledge to walk with Jesus through the stories toward the cross. As our Lenten practice for this year will explore everyday spiritual practices, an introduction to them will be shared.

Services will be held at 7 pm in the Sanctuary on Wednesdays throughout Lent from February 17—March 16. Each week, we will engage part of our body in further understanding who we are and who God calls us to be. After conversation on the different ways in which to engage, we will practice a spiritual discipline together and connect with one another through the Sacrament of Communion. We hope you will join us on this journey.

Village Corner Gift Shoppe
You are invited to attend the grand re-opening of the Village Corner Gift Shoppe at Homestead Village on February 10-13 from 10 am—2 pm.