Youth Fundraising – Date Night with Your Special Valentine

Here is your chance to have a Valentine’s Day getaway with your special someone without the kids.

When:      Saturday, February 13, 2016
Where:     Church of the Apostles Fellowship Hall
Time:         5 pm to 8 pm*
*Please note:  An additional charge will be $10/10 minutes late.

How Does This Work?
Drop off your child(ren) at 5 pm at the back door, fill out a Registration Form, go and have a great time, then pick up your child(ren) at 8 pm. We welcome children of all ages.

How Much Will It Cost?
The charge will be $20 for one child; $5 for additional children of that family.

Who is Watching My Child(ren)?
Church of the Apostles’ Youth Group and their parents with clearances and First Aid training will oversee fun activities and enjoy snacks.  This is a fundraiser for a National Youth Event trip.


New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Would you like to shake off the winter blues? Join us for a Bingo and Dessert Social on Thursday, February 11. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 1:00 pm beginning with dessert and a game of Bingo will follow. We hope to see you there!


Ash Wednesday Worship

February 10 at 7 pm in the Sanctuary

We will acknowledge our mortality and how we continue to fail in our attempts to live as Christ did. With this day and those that follow until Easter, we pledge to walk with Jesus through the stories toward the cross. As our Lenten practice for this year will explore everyday spiritual practices, an introduction to them will be shared. Join us in this journey as we seek to know the God who seeks us in the personhood of Jesus.


Week of January 31, 2016

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.

Ecclesiastical Council for Rev. Dave Longenecker
Today at 3 pm in our Sanctuary, the Lancaster Association will gather to hear Rev. Longenecker speak about his faith journey which has brought him to request authorization for Privilege of Call within the United Church of Christ. This would involve transferring his ordination with the Brethren Church to the UCC. In support of his ministry as a member of our congregation, you are encouraged to attend; however, only our delegates (Bev Moran and Cathy Kenlin) have the privilege to vote.

New Piano
The music department thanks all of those who made the purchase of the new piano in the choir room possible: Apostles Choir, Karen Williams, Mary Ellen Bachman, Skeeter and Donna Carr, Clara Kosmela,  Bob and Betty Reiff, Susan Minasian, Judy Jarvis, Mr. & Mrs. Rob McCurdy in honor of parents, Bob and Louise McCurdy, and Apostles Academy. The piano was delivered on Saturday, January 16th.  Please stop in to check it out, or better yet, join one of the choirs so you can hear it every Sunday!

Souper Bowl Reminder
On February 7th, we will again be collecting food and/or monetary donations for our local food banks. Please give your donation to the children collecting them after service.

Wishing Well
Please consider participating in the current ministry which supports Clare and Milagro Houses, Brereton Manor, Mom’s House, and the Pet Pantry through the annual Day of Smiles on February 6th. The requested donations are listed on smiley papers on two posters—one poster is above the Wishing Well and the other is on the Outreach bulletin board. The items are very affordable and will help many needy people in our community. Items need to be in the Well by February 4th. Thank you!

Valentine Ministry
If you have a child who is either in college or the military, please call Jane McCartney at (717) 392-4844 with this information. COA has traditionally treated these young men and women with Valentine treats to let them know we care about them.

New Beginnings
Would you like to shake off the winter blues? Join us for a Bingo and Dessert Social on Thursday, February 11. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 1:00 pm beginning with dessert and a game of Bingo will follow. We hope to see you there!

Pilates Classes
To help you meet your New Year resolutions to get in shape, you are invited to join pilates classes being held at the church on Mondays at 7:00 pm or Tuesdays at 5:30 pm. Sessions are 13 weeks and the cost is $130 per session; each class is one hour long. Pilates will address flexibility, core strength, balance, and focus. Classes are led by Karen Cox. The sessions have already begun, but the cost will be prorated. 

Adult Education
A new adult education class will begin on February 7th called “Who is My Neighbor?” This class will meet at 10:45 am for seven Sundays and will highlight speakers on Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. All are welcome to participate in this informative series of programs. Child care will be available. If you have any questions, please contact Doris Robb at (717) 393-7788.

Village Corner Gift Shoppe
You are invited to attend the grand re-opening of the Village Corner Gift Shoppe at Homestead Village from Wednesday through Saturday, February 10-13, from 10 am—2 pm.