Week of March 27, 2016

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.

Ready for Membership?
There is currently a group forming to become members of Church of the Apostles on April 10. If you have been visiting and are ready to help us decide our future ministries and missions, please speak with Pastor Kuhn.

Buy Stock! Invest in the Youth!
This will be the last week for you to purchase a certificate of stock to support the youth who are attending the National Youth Event. Each of these certificates cost $20 at minimum. The certificate entitles the holder to a seat at our stockholder’s dinner on Sunday, August 28, where the youth will serve and give a presentation on their trip. Look for a youth member in the front lobby/Narthex with a large white envelope to invest today!

Youth Car Wash Fundraiser
Who doesn’t enjoy a shiny, clean car? The youth will be hosting a car wash fundraiser on Saturday, April 2 from 8 am-1 pm in the church’s front parking lot. Donations will be accepted to help fund the youth’s trip to the National Youth Event.

Let’s Talk: How to Have a Lifelong Conversation about Sex
Do you want television, movies, advertising, and misinformed peers to teach your children about sexuality? Unless YOU start this conversation early, these less-than-healthy and misleading sources of information will be their go-to reference!

Come learn proven tips and strategies for how to have real, honest conversations with your children (and grandchildren) about sexuality and making healthy choices. This valuable workshop will be held Sunday April 3 (that’s one week from today!) from 6:30-8 pm in Rooms 308-310, The workshop is FREE and includes FREE childcare in the Fellowship Hall. See today’s bulletin insert for more information. RSVP to Flo Waldron at waldr005@umn.edu, or just show up. We hope to see you there!

Recital at COA
Davis Flute Studio will present its first ever chamber recital on Sunday, April 3rd at 1:00 pm in the Church of the Apostles Sanctuary. Students will be featured in quartets, and a studio flute choir will end the recital. The performance is open to the public.

Preschool Anniversary
On Sunday April 24th, the Apostles Community Preschool will be celebrating its 50th year anniversary with a reunion luncheon. The luncheon will be held in the Fellowship Hall after the 10:45 am worship service.

Former and current preschoolers, teachers and board members are invited to attend this special event as well as church members.

We would like to develop a Memory Book. If you have a favorite memory, please jot it down and either give it to Ellen Schellenberger or email Ellen at ejschellenberger@comcast.net by Friday, April 15. If you know any former students, teachers, or board members who are not members of COA, please share this information with them and ask them to contact the preschool office at (717) 392-5598.

Heritage and Horizons
Heritage & Horizons will begin its 29th year of presenting educational programs at Church of the Apostles this Tuesday, March 29th and each Tuesday in April. All sessions meet in the church sanctuary. Registration brochures are available at the Welcome Center. See Cathie Oliphant for more information.


Week of March 20, 2016

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.

Market Basket
Don’t forget to pick up your grocery card order and order for the next month.

Ready for Membership?
There is currently a group forming to become members of Church of the Apostles on April 10. If you have been visiting and are ready to help us decide our future ministries and missions, please speak with Pastor Kuhn.

Buy Stock! Invest in the Youth!
Throughout the month of March, the youth who are attending the National Youth Event will be selling certificates of stock between services. Each of these certificates cost $20 at minimum. The certificate entitles the holder to a seat at our stockholder’s dinner on Sunday, August 28, where the youth will serve and give a presentation on their trip. Look for a youth member in the front lobby/Narthex with a large white envelope to invest today!

Think your kids are too young for “The Talk”?
If you’re thinking of a one-time-and-you’re-done “Talk,” think about this:

  • How many things have you taught your children by telling them only once?
  • If most of the life lessons you’ve taught them unfolded over many small “teachable moments, ”then why should teaching them to respect themselves, their bodies, and others be any different?

Join us on SUNDAY, APRIL 3, from 6:30-8pm in Rooms 308-310, as COA hosts “Let’s Talk: How To Have A Lifelong Conversation About Sex.” This FREE event is open to the public and includes FREE childcare in Fellowship Hall. See the bulletin insert for more information. To RSVP, contact Flo Waldron at waldr005@umn.edu.

Thank You!
The Outreach and Education Commissions want to thank all of the volunteers that helped feed 55 hungry and appreciative guests at Crispus Attucks on March 13th. Preparations began days before with seven volunteers of our kitchen ministry preparing a batch of ham and bean soup. During Sunday School’s Mission Fest, the children and youth helped ice and decorate cookies. Later that day, volunteers warmed soup, made sandwiches, and organized supplies. Seventeen members, including seven youth, met at Crispus Attucks to set up and serve the meal. Socks and underwear that had been collected were offered to those present. Many of our guests had second and third helpings and the leftover soup, sandwiches, and cookies were served the following day at Crispus Attucks Café, its weekday lunch program. Two more volunteers were waiting at our church kitchen to help with clean up after a long day. Thank you to the many volunteers of varying ages that helped make this important ministry possible!

Heritage and Horizons
Heritage & Horizons will begin its 29th year of presenting educational programs at Church of the Apostles on Tuesday, March 29th and each Tuesday in April. All sessions meet in the church sanctuary. Registration brochures are available at the Welcome Center. See Cathie Oliphant for more information.


Let’s Talk! How to Have a Lifelong Conversation about Sex

Let’s Talk: How to Have a Lifelong Conversation about Sex

Sunday, April 3 from 6:30-8pm
Rooms 308-310 (next to the Purple Bears room)

Church of the Apostles
1850 Marietta Avenue
Lancaster, PA 17603

Co- sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Church of Lancaster and Church of the Apostles, United Church of Christ

Talking about sex with the young people in your life is not easy!

  • Many of us feel uncomfortable even thinking about having that conversation with our children or grandchildren.
  • Sexual imagery and messages are everywhere in our 21st-century culture.
  • Yet real, honest conversations are few and far between.
  • And while many parents think of a one-time conversation for the tween years, children start learning about sexuality as soon as they’re born.
  • By the time many parents are ready to “talk,” kids already have lots of information – much of it inaccurate, misleading, or less-than-positive.

In this workshop, we will explore our discomfort around sex and learn some age-appropriate strategies for turning “the talk” into a lifelong conversation about sexuality and health, whether your children are preschoolers or high-schoolers.

Kelly Gainor, a Community Health Educator for Planned Parenthood Keystone, serving Lancaster, Dauphin, Cumberland, and York counties, will lead this workshop.  Kelly provides medically-accurate sexuality education to students of all ages, and is the coordinator of an LGBTQA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Asexual) youth program, called The Curve which meets on Thursdays in York.  She has a Masters’ Degree in Human Sexuality Education from Widener University and has presented at several sexuality conferences, including the National Sex Ed Conference in New Jersey.

Parents, grandparents, and guardians are invited to attend.  Childcare is available in the Fellowship Hall for all ages from 6:15-8:15.  If possible, RVSPs (for adult attendees + number/ages of children needing childcare, if any) are appreciated ahead of time, and can be sent to Flo Waldron at waldr005@umn.edu.

 Please join us for this important event!

Car Wash Youth Fundraiser

youth car wash

Garage Sale

Church of the Apostles’ Garage Sale

  • Friday, April 1 from 8 am – 2 pm
  • Saturday, April 2 from 8 am – 1 pm
    Garage Sale will be held in the church Fellowship Hall – West Narthex.

Please join us for our annual Garage Sale on April 1st and April 2nd. Not only will you find great deals on home décor, books, clothing, and more, but you will be shopping for a good cause. Funds collected will go toward church programs and outreach programs that benefit our community.

Would you like to donate items to be sold at our Garage Sale? Did you get a Christmas gift that either does not fit or you will never use? Remember, one man’s junk is another man’s treasure! Please save your items and bring them to Church of the Apostles from March 28-31 for our annual Garage Sale. We hope to see you there!

Heritage & Horizons

Heritage & Horizons will begin its 29th year of presenting educational programs at Church of the Apostles on Tuesday, March 29th and each Tuesday in April. All sessions meet in the church sanctuary. Registration brochures are available at the Welcome Center. See Cathie Oliphant for more information.

Please click here to view the spring 2016 brochure.


Easter Sunday Service

Celebrate Easter at Church of the Apostles!

7:00 am in Rader Park
We will watch the sun rise over the trees and consider the time when the women who journeyed to the tomb found it empty. Communion will be served.

9:15 am & 10:45 am Worship Services
Will be triumphant celebrations complete with additional instrumentalists to worship and praise God.


Good Friday Service

On Friday, March 25 from 7 pm – 8 pm,  contemplating the meaning of the cross and physically carrying the cross within the sanctuary will be interspersed with a traditional reading from Luke’s gospel.


Maundy Thursday Service

We will join together in the sanctuary on Thursday, March 24 at 7 pm for an intimate worship with  communion as we remember Jesus’ last meal with his disciples when he commanded us to “love one another.” “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you.” (John 15:13-14). The adult choir will be present to support the music.


Bunny Breakfast, Egg Hunt & Basket Auction

Come out for breakfast and pictures with the Easter Bunny on March 19. Breakfast will be served from  8 am – 10 am.  Adults $6, Children ages 2-10 $3.
Apostles Community Preschool will also host a basket auction at 8 am in the west lobby.

An egg hunt will follow at 10:30 am in the Church Courtyard.