Week of March 13, 2016

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.

Market Basket
Don’t forget to pick up your grocery card order and order for the next month. Grocery cards are available from Giant, Stauffers, and Weis. Our discount helps to feed the homeless downtown.

New Moms Support—Volunteers Needed!
Volunteers are needed to take meals to Anne Hambrick-Stowe Rankin, her husband, Rev. Chris Rankin, and their two older children. Anne and Chris had a premature baby boy named Andrew at the end of January, and he is now home. Please see Donna Carr to volunteer, or you may contact her at (717) 475-5285.

Buy Stock! Invest in the Youth!
Throughout the month of March, the youth who are attending the National Youth Event will be selling certificates of stock between services. Each of these certificates cost $20 at minimum. The certificate entitles the holder to a seat at our stockholder’s dinner on Sunday, August 28, where the youth will serve and give a presentation on their trip. Look for a youth member in the front lobby/Narthex with a large white envelope to invest today!

Have You Had “The Talk” With Your Kids Yet?
Most parents think in terms of having “The Talk” with their children – but by the time many parents are ready for “The Talk,” kids have already learned plenty of misinformation from the world around them.

Need help for where to start? Join us for a workshop filled with valuable tips for how to talk to your kids (or grandkids) throughout their lives! Presented by Kelly Gainor, and co-sponsored with the Unitarian Universalist Church of Lancaster, this valuable FREE workshop (with FREE childcare!) takes place Sunday, April 3 (note new date!), from 6:30-8 pm in Rooms 308-310.

See the insert in today’s bulletin for more information, and please plan to join us! RSVP encouraged, but not required; to RSVP, or for more information, contact Flo Waldron at waldr005@umn.edu.

Preschool’s 50th Anniversary
The Apostles Community Preschool is celebrating 50 years of outstanding service to the community. We will be celebrating this event on April 24th. More information will be coming soon. Any former students, teachers, directors, or board members, please notify Ellen Schellenberger or the preschool office (392-5598) regarding current contact information. Please spread the word to others who need to know about this celebration event.

Race Against Racism
Want to join a fun, healthy event that promotes unity and understanding in our community? Join the COA team for Race Against Racism. Walk or run 5K on Saturday, April 30th at 9 am, kids run to follow. All fitness levels welcome! Register with the Church of the Apostles team at www.ywcalancaster.org/news-events/feeds and use the password Churchoftheapostles. Contact Kristi Newport at kbnewport@gmail.com or 371-8406 if you have any questions, or if you would like to have a training run prior to the race.

Heritage and Horizons
Heritage & Horizons will begin its 29th year of presenting educational programs at Church of the Apostles on Tuesday, March 29th and each Tuesday in April. All sessions meet in the church sanctuary. Registration brochures are available at the Welcome Center. See Cathie Oliphant for more information.

New Beginnings
Following a dessert social at 1:00 pm on Thursday, April 14 in the Fellowship Hall, New Beginnings will participate in an adult educational session of “What in the World is This?” (WITWIT). The session will feature lesser-known facts about the world we live in, presented in a multiple-choice format with individual and table competitions. Come, join in the fun, and learn some things you may not have known before.


Week of March 6, 2016

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.

Market Basket
Today is your first chance to sign up for Market Basket to collect this month’s grocery cards. Grocery cards are available from Giant, Stauffers, and Weis. Our discount helps to feed the homeless downtown.

COA Adult Coloring
All are welcome to enjoy some adult coloring! Bring your own coloring book or you are also welcome to work on a church poster with other members. Please plan to meet on Saturday, March 13th at 1 pm at 1870 Villa Court, Lancaster. If you have any questions, please contact Ellen Schellenberger.

Handbell Festival
The 13th anniversary of the Lancaster-Lebanon Handbell Festival will take place on Saturday, March 12th at Church of the Apostles. Sixteen bell choirs will ring during this event, including a special appearance by Bell Amis under the artistic direction of Ron Bellamy. Bell Amis, an elite ensemble made up of some of the best handbell ringers in southeastern Pennsylvania, will perform “The Shepherd’s Dream” composed by the festival clinician Alan Reece. The public concert portion of this festival will take place at 3 pm in the Fellowship Hall, and a good-will offering will be received.

New Moms Support—Volunteers Needed!
Volunteers are needed to take meals to Anne Hambrick-Stowe Rankin, her husband, Rev. Chris Rankin, and their two older children. Anne and Chris had a premature baby boy named Andrew at the end of January, and he is now home. Please see Donna Carr to volunteer, or you may contact her at (717) 475-5285.

Wishing Well
We are going to continue to reach out to those in our community by collecting needed items for the Transitional Living Center (TLC) on King Street. TLC helps many homeless people by providing safe and caring shelter to them until they are able to obtain housing of their own. We will be collecting needed supplies in the Wishing Well during the months of March and April. You can find items needed on two posters (one above the Wishing Well and one on the Outreach bulletin board in the Narthex). Please place items in the well by the end of April. If you have any questions, please see Jane McCartney.

Buy Stock! Invest in the Youth!
Throughout the month of March, the youth who are attending the National Youth Event will be selling certificates of stock between services. Each of these certificates cost $20 at minimum. The certificate entitles the holder to a seat at our stockholder’s dinner on Sunday, August 28, where the youth will serve and give a presentation on their trip. Look for a youth member in the front lobby/Narthex with a large white envelope to invest today!

Did you know?
That children in our society are bombarded every day with messages about sexuality, most of them less-than-healthy?

  • That children start learning about sexuality when they are infants?
  • That help is available for parents who want to teach their children healthy messages about sexuality and sexual health?

Join us on Sunday, March 20 from 6:30 pm-8 pm (in Rooms 308-310) for a free workshop entitled “Let’s Talk: How To Have A Lifelong Conversation About Sex,” jointly sponsored by COA and the Unitarian Universalist Church of Lancaster. In this workshop, we will explore our discomfort around sex and learn some age-appropriate strategies for turning “the talk” into a lifelong conversation about sexuality and health, whether your children are preschoolers or high-schoolers. Free childcare is provided! RSVP is encouraged, but not required. To RSVP, or for more information, contact Flo Waldron at waldr005@umn.edu.