The City Training
Training/support sessions for The City will be held on the following dates in the Narthex:
- Sunday, May 1: 10:15 am (after the 9:15 service) – 12:30 pm
- Monday, May 2: 6 pm – 7 pm
- Wednesday, May 4: 6:30 pm – 8 pm
- Thursday, May 5: 6:30 pm – 8 pm
Please remember to bring your mobile devices or tablets with you! Please also take some time to browse The City before attending a session, and bring a list of any questions you have.
Week of April 24, 2016
Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.
New Member Directory Pages
New member directory pages are available at the Welcome Center.
The City
If you have not yet joined Church of the Apostles on The City, we ask that you please sign up through the email sent to you at your earliest convenience. COA has begun to use this application to communicate with our members and those in ministry, so it is very important that you be a part of the discussion.
Training/support sessions with Michelle Ayala and Cathy Kenlin will be held on the following dates in the Narthex:
- Sunday, May 1: 10:15 am (after the 9:15 service) – 12:30 pm
- Monday, May 2: 6 pm – 7 pm
- Wednesday, May 4: 6:30 pm – 8 pm
- Thursday, May 5: 6:30 pm – 8 pm
Please remember to bring your mobile devices or tablets with you! Please also take some time to browse The City before attending a session, and bring a list of any questions you have.
Race Against Racism
It is almost time for a fun, healthy event that promotes unity and understanding in our community! Sign up for Race Against Racism. Walk or run 5K on Saturday, April 30th at 9 am; a kid’s run will follow. All fitness levels are welcome! Register as an individual at Wear your church t-shirt to represent our congregation. Please contact Kristi Newport at or (717) 371-8406 if you have any questions.
Widows Support Group
Widows who are looking for others to talk with about the loss of a spouse are invited to join Pastor Kuhn on Wednesday, April 27th in the Parlor from 9:30-11:00 am. Refreshments and snacks will be served.
Apostles Academy of Arts and Sciences Recital
You are invited to attend the Apostles Academy of Arts and Sciences Recital being held on Sunday, May 1st, at 3 pm. The recital will feature students of various instruments, including piano, strings, trumpet, and woodwinds. It will also include an art showcase by featured students of Steve Wilson’s Art Studio. Please come out and support the arts!
Crown Concert
Church of the Apostles is pleased to host one of Brazil’s brightest young composers, Clarice Assad, for a Crown Concert on Thursday, May 12 at 7 pm. Assad has been described by the LA Times as “a dazzling vocal soloist and all-round musician.” TRP (The Reese Project), a modern-day ensemble with an eclectic repertoire of original Jazz, Funk, Rock, Blues, Classical, and World music, will be performing with Assad. Admission to the concert is a free-will offering.
Earthquake Relief: Ecuador and Japan
Our One Great Hour of Sharing offering last month (or any time) is already at work in Ecuador and Japan. The UCC and Disciples of Christ work together with ecumenical partners on site, the Ecumenical Foundation (FEDICE) in Ecuador and the Kyodan (United Church of Christ in Japan). Additional funds would help greatly. Donations by check should be marked either “Earthquake Relief” or “OGHS.”
Week of April 17, 2016
Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.
Market Basket
Don’t forget to pick up your grocery card order and order for next month. Grocery cards are available from Giant, Stauffers, and Weis. Our discount helps to feed the homeless downtown.
The City
If you have not yet joined Church of the Apostles on The City, we ask that you please sign up at your earliest convenience. COA has begun to use this application to communicate with our members and those in ministry, so it is very important that you be a part of the discussion. More information regarding training will follow shortly.
Preschool Anniversary
Next Sunday, April 24th, the Apostles Community Preschool will be celebrating its 50th year anniversary with a reunion luncheon. The luncheon will be held in the Fellowship Hall after the 10:45 am worship service. Former and current preschoolers, teachers and board members are invited to attend this special event as well as church members.
Apostles Academy of Arts and Sciences Recital
You are invited to attend the Apostles Academy of Arts and Sciences Recital being held on Sunday, May 1st, at 3 pm. The recital will feature students of various instruments, including piano, strings, trumpet, and woodwinds. It will also include an art showcase by featured students of Steve Wilson’s Art Studio. Please come out and support the arts!
Race Against Racism
It is almost time for a fun, healthy event that promotes unity and understanding in our community! Sign up for Race Against Racism. Walk or run 5K on Saturday, April 30th at 9 am; a kid’s run will follow. All fitness levels are welcome! Register as an individual at Wear your church t-shirt to represent our congregation. Please contact Kristi Newport at or (717) 371-8406 if you have any questions.
Vacation Bible School
A Vacation Bible School meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 19 at 7 pm in room 304. Everyone is welcome to join us as we plan for Vacation Bible School (June 19-23 in Rader Park). New ideas are always welcome!
Wishing Well
During the month of May, COA will be holding a pajama party in the Well! We will be collecting children’s pajamas to support Conner’s Comfy PJs, a foundation begun by the Holland family in Lititz who lost their son, Conner, to cancer at the age of five. They collect comfy pajamas for children in oncology wards undergoing treatments for cancer. As always, thank you for your generous and consistent giving to support our many outreach ministries. If you have any questions about Wishing Well ministries, please see Jane McCartney.
Lancaster Association Spring Meeting
The Lancaster Association Spring Meeting will be held today at 3 pm at Trinity, East Petersburg with Christine Baer, Congregational Resource Developer for Church World Service, as our speaker to inform us on refugee resettlement in the Lancaster area.
Widows Support Group
Widows who are looking for others to talk with about the loss of a spouse are invited to join Pastor Kuhn on Wednesday, April 27th in the Parlor from 9:30-11:00 am. Refreshments and snacks will be shared with those who are looking for this conversation. Church members and non-members are welcome.
Week of April 10, 2016
Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.
New Members
Today we would like to welcome our new members: Joe & Cristina Bahling, Erik & Ashley Laymon, Suzanne Miller, Rev. Heather Giffen, John & Barbara Wylie
Market Basket
Don’t forget to pick up your grocery card order and order for next month. Grocery cards are available from Giant, Stauffers, and Weis. Our discount helps to feed the homeless downtown.
New Moms Support
Volunteers are needed to take meals to Melissa and Dustin Koehler. Their new baby boy, Maxwell, was born on March 14th. Please contact Donna Carr at (717) 475-5285 or at her home phone (717) 397-6305 if you are able to help. Thank you!
The City
Hopefully, you had a chance to read The Crown article about the new communication application COA is launching called The City. You should have received an email invitation to become a member of The City on Wednesday. We ask that you check your emails and sign up at your earliest convenience. More information regarding training will follow shortly.
Friendly’s FUNraiser Night
On Tuesday, April 12, from 5 pm-8 pm, Church of the Apostles’ Youth Group will be hosting a fundraiser night at Friendly’s restaurant on Centerville Road. The Youth Group will receive 10% of sales that will help fund the youth’s trip to the National Youth Event. Coupons are not needed. Please join us to support our youth!
Race Against Racism
Want to join a fun, healthy event that promotes unity and understanding in our community? Join the COA team for Race Against Racism. Walk or run 5K on Saturday, April 30th at 9 am, kids run to follow. All fitness levels are welcome! Register with the Church of the Apostles team at The password is Churchoftheapostles. Please contact Kristi Newport with any questions, or if you would like to have a training run prior to the race:, (717) 371-8406. Register by April 15th to receive a discounted rate!
Preschool Anniversary
On Sunday April 24th, the Apostles Community Preschool will be celebrating its 50th year anniversary with a reunion luncheon. The luncheon will be held in the Fellowship Hall after the 10:45 am worship service.
Former and current preschoolers, teachers and board members are invited to attend this special event as well as church members.
We would like to develop a Memory Book. If you have a favorite memory, please jot it down and either give it to Ellen Schellenberger or email Ellen at by Friday, April 15. If you know any former students, teachers, or board members who are not members of COA, please share this information with them and ask them to contact the preschool office at (717) 392-5598.
Lancaster Association Spring Meeting
The Lancaster Association Spring Meeting will be held on April 17th at Trinity, East Petersburg with Christine Baer, Congregational Resource Developer for Church World Service, as our speaker to inform us on refugee resettlement in the Lancaster area.
“31” Bag Bingo
A “31” Bag Bingo game will be held on Sunday April 24th, from 2-5 pm at Salem UCC of Rohrerstown. Tickets: $18 in advance or $20 at the door. Doors open at 1:00 pm. Everyone is welcome.
Week of April 3, 2016
Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.
Market Basket
Today is your first chance to sign up for Market Basket to collect this month’s grocery cards. Grocery cards are available from Giant, Stauffers, and Weis. Our discount helps to feed the homeless downtown.
Ready for Membership?
There is currently a group forming to become members of Church of the Apostles on April 10. If you have been visiting and are ready to help us decide our future ministries and missions, please speak with Pastor Kuhn.
New Moms Support
Volunteers are needed to take meals to Melissa and Dustin Koehler. Their new baby boy, Maxwell, was born on March 14th. Please contact Donna Carr at (717) 475-5285 or at her home phone (717) 397-6305 if you are able to help. Thank you!
Let’s Talk: How to Have a Lifelong Conversation about Sex
Join us TONIGHT for “Let’s Talk: How To Have A Lifelong Conversation About Sex.” This FREE workshop is for parents, grandparents, and anyone else who wants to learn strategies for teaching the young people in their lives about healthy sexuality and healthy decision-making.
- 6:30-8:00 pm in Rooms 308-310; free and open to the public
- FREE CHILDCARE will be available in Fellowship Hall from 6:15-8:15 pm
RSVP encouraged (but not required) to Flo Waldron at See the bulletin insert for more information. We hope you can join us for this important event!
Race Against Racism
Want to join a fun, healthy event that promotes unity and understanding in our community? Join the COA team for Race Against Racism. Walk or run 5K on Saturday, April 30th at 9 am, kids run to follow. All fitness levels are welcome! Register with the Church of the Apostles team at The password is Churchoftheapostles. Please contact Kristi Newport with any questions, or if you would like to have a training run prior to the race:, (717) 371-8406. Register by April 15th to receive a discounted rate!
Preschool Anniversary
On Sunday April 24th, the Apostles Community Preschool will be celebrating its 50th year anniversary with a reunion luncheon. The luncheon will be held in the Fellowship Hall after the 10:45 am worship service. Former and current preschoolers, teachers and board members are invited to attend this special event as well as church members. We would like to develop a Memory Book. If you have a favorite memory, please jot it down and either give it to Ellen Schellenberger or email Ellen at by Friday, April 15. If you know any former students, teachers, or board members who are not members of COA, please share this information with them and ask them to contact the preschool office at (717) 392-5598.
Widower Support Group
On Wednesday, April 20 at 3 pm, Rev. Kathryn Kuhn will facilitate a group discussion on the life changes that follow the loss of a spouse. Recognizing that your journeys are all different, we thought this may be an outlet for you to find support and to support others in their respective experiences. We will have coffee and pastries for your enjoyment and hope you will seriously consider attending. Please call the church office at (717) 392-5718 if you would like to join us.
New Beginnings
Following a dessert social at 1:00 pm on Thursday, April 14 in the Fellowship Hall, New Beginnings will participate in an adult educational session of “What in the World is This?” (WITWIT). The session will feature lesser-known facts about the world we live in, presented in a multiple-choice format with individual and table competitions. Come, join in the fun, and learn some things you may not have known before.