Week of May 29, 2016

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.

St. Anthony of Padua Church (501 East Orange Street, Lancaster, PA 17602) has extended an invitation to all music lovers to join them today at 4:00 pm for a rededication and celebration of their refurbished pipe organ. Texas-based performers Stephen Distad, organ, and Justin Langham, trumpet, will present a concert of works by Bach, Gigout, Holst, Langham, Saint Saens, and Telemann. There will be a cold buffet supper in the parish hall following the concert. A free-will donation will be accepted. Free parking is available.

Church Office Closing
Please note that the church office will be closed Monday, May 30 in observance of Memorial Day. All activities are canceled.

New Beginnings
Begin your summer with a “New Beginnings” picnic on Thursday, June 9 at 12 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Hot dogs, rolls, condiments, and beverages will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. A hymn sing will round out the program.

Spread the Light!
The Penn Central Conference Mission Project is to collect LED light bulbs for food banks throughout our association.  Please consider donating light bulbs for this project. They will also be collected in the Wishing Well. The bulbs will be taken to the conference on June 10th so we will need them before then. Thank you for helping to Spread the Light!

Seeds of Hope Garden—Help Needed
The Seeds of Hope Garden shed will be open this summer (June, July, and August) on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:30 am—12:30 pm. Volunteers are needed to be at the shed each day we are open. Please sign the calendar sheets at the church when you are able to be at the shed and help us have a great season at the garden!

Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Church of the Apostles and Salem U.C.C. invite you to join us for Vacation Bible School 2016. All kids between the ages of four (4) years through 5th grade are invited to come learn wonderful Bible stories, play games, make crafts, and learn about the importance of caring for God’s creation.

Registration forms are located at the Welcome Center. Please return completed forms to the church office by June 12, or register online at www.apostlesucc.org.


Vacation Bible School

Gear up for an adventure!

Vacation Bible School – June 19-23, 2016 in Rader Park from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Ground kids in the rock-solid foundation of God’s love, a love that takes us through life’s dark times. All kids between the ages of 4 years through 5th grade are invited to come learn wonderful Bible stories, play games, make crafts and sing.

Please click here to complete a registration form by June 12.

Week of May 22, 2016

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.

Installation Service
The Lancaster Association of the United Church of Christ and Church of the Apostles United Church of Christ invite you to the Installation of Reverend Heather Giffen as Associate Minister today, May 22 at 3:00 pm. A reception in the Narthex will be held immediately following the service.

Widows Support Group
Widows who are looking for others to talk with about the loss of a spouse are invited to join Pastor Kuhn on Wednesday, May 25th in the Parlor from 9:30-11:00 am. Refreshments and snacks will be served. COA members and non-members are welcome.

St. Anthony of Padua church (501 East Orange Street, Lancaster, PA 17602) has extended an invitation to all music lovers to join them on Sunday, June 5 at 4:00 pm for a rededication and celebration of their refurbished pipe organ. Texas-based performers Stephen Distad, organ, and Justin Langham, trumpet, will present a concert of works by Bach, Gigout, Holst, Langham, Saint Saens, and Telemann. There will be a cold buffet supper in the parish hall following the concert. A free-will donation will be accepted. Free parking is available.

New Beginnings
Begin your summer with a “New Beginnings” picnic on Thursday, June 9 at 12 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Hot dogs, rolls, condiments, and beverages will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. A hymn sing will round out the program.

Spread the Light!
The Penn Central Conference Mission Project is to collect LED light bulbs for food banks throughout our association.  Please consider donating light bulbs for this project. They will also be collected in the Wishing Well. The bulbs will be taken to the conference on June 10th so we will need them before then. Thank you for helping to Spread the Light!

Wishing Well
We are collecting pajamas for Conner’s Comfy PJs to be distributed to children receiving cancer treatments in local hospitals. They are asking for pajamas for girls and boys ages 4 to 16. Please place them into the Wishing Well before May 26th. Thank you!

Stewardship: Electronic Donations
Every now and then it’s good to remind people of some of the programs in place here at Church of the Apostles. The Stewardship Commission has made it possible for you to sign up for Electronic Funds Transfers from your checking account directly into the church’s checking account. It’s one more detail you can get off your mental check list.  Ask the office for the application form. You determine how much and how often you want to give to the church, and the two banks take care of the details. Your donation arrives on time, every time. This helps the church budget, it smooths out the peaks and valleys of giving, and it relieves you of another detail to remember to do. Try it out soon. We think you’ll like it.


Week of May 16, 2016

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.

Market Basket
Don’t forget to pick up your grocery card order and order for next month. Grocery cards are available from Giant, Stauffers, and Weis. Our discount helps feed the homeless downtown.

A New Vision—VisionCorps Workshop
Does your friend ask for large-print bulletins on Sunday mornings? Do they hesitate when walking in unfamiliar environments, or when coming inside on a bright sunny day? Have you noticed that they have stopped participating in their favorite activities like reading and sewing, or going out to restaurants?

If you have noticed some of these things with a friend or relative, or perhaps yourself, then you should join Parish Life in the Parlor on May 20th (from 2-3 pm) to learn how a local agency, VisionCorps, may be able to help. Light refreshments will be provided.

VisionCorps provides rehabilitative and educational services to individuals of all ages who are vision impaired living in Lancaster, Lebanon, and Chester Counties. Services include Social Services, Occupational Therapy, and Orientation and Mobility. VisionCorps can also connect individuals to additional resources, such as a Low Vision Specialist.

If you need transportation to this event, please contact the church office at (717) 392-5718.

Installation Service
The Lancaster Association of the United Church of Christ and Church of the Apostles United Church of Christ invite you to the Installation of Reverend Heather Giffen as Associate Minister on Sunday, May 22 at 3:00 pm. A reception in the Narthex will be held immediately following the service.

New Beginnings
Begin your summer with a “New Beginnings” picnic on Thursday, June 9 at 12 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Hot dogs, rolls, condiments, and beverages will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. A hymn sing will round out the program.

Wishing Well
We are collecting pajamas for Conner’s Comfy PJs to be distributed to children receiving cancer treatments in local hospitals. They are asking for pajamas for girls and boys ages 4 to 16. Please place them into the Wishing Well before May 26th. Thank you!

Spread the Light!
The Penn Central Conference Mission Project is to collect LED light bulbs for food banks throughout our association.  Please consider donating light bulbs for this project. They will also be collected in the Wishing Well. The bulbs will be taken to the conference on June 10th so we will need them before then. Thank you for helping to Spread the Light!

Ecuador Earthquake Relief and Recovery
The United Church of Christ One Great Hour of Sharing and The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Week of Compassion have issued a joint special appeal for $500,000 for Ecuador earthquake relief and recovery.

Your generosity to this special appeal will enable a far-reaching response. Because the scope of the damage is so immense, the disaster ministries of the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) are leveraging our existing partnership to respond jointly.

To learn more about this special appeal, visit www.ucc.org.


New Beginnings

Begin your summer with a “New Beginnings” picnic on Thursday, June 9 at 12 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Hot dogs, rolls, condiments, and beverages will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. A hymn sing will round out the program.


Week of May 8, 2016

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.

Market Basket
Don’t forget to pick up your grocery card order and order for next month. Grocery cards are available from Giant, Stauffers, and Weis. Our discount helps feed the homeless downtown.

Crown Concert
Church of the Apostles is pleased to host one of Brazil’s brightest young composers, Clarice Assad, for a Crown Concert on Thursday, May 12 at 7 pm. Assad has been described by the LA Times as “a dazzling vocal soloist and all-round musician.” TRP (The Reese Project), a modern-day ensemble with an eclectic repertoire of original Jazz, Funk, Rock, Blues, Classical, and World music, will be performing with Assad. Admission to the concert is a free-will offering.

A New Vision—VisionCorps Workshop
Does your friend ask for large-print bulletins on Sunday mornings? Do they hesitate when walking in unfamiliar environments, or when coming inside on a bright sunny day? Have you noticed that they have stopped participating in their favorite activities like reading and sewing, or going out to restaurants?

If you have noticed some of these things with a friend or relative, or perhaps yourself, then you should join Parish Life in the Parlor on May 20th (from 2-3 pm) to learn how a local agency, VisionCorps, may be able to help. Light refreshments will be provided.

VisionCorps provides rehabilitative and educational services to individuals of all ages who are vision impaired living in Lancaster, Lebanon, and Chester Counties. Services include Social Services, Occupational Therapy, and Orientation and Mobility. VisionCorps can also connect individuals to additional resources, such as a Low Vision Specialist.

If you need transportation to this event, please contact the church office at (717) 392-5718.

Installation Service
The Lancaster Association of the United Church of Christ and Church of the Apostles United Church of Christ invite you to the Installation of Reverend Heather Giffen as Associate Minister on Sunday, May 22 at 3:00 pm. A reception in the Narthex will be held immediately following the service.

New Beginnings
Begin your summer with a “New Beginnings” picnic on Thursday, June 9 at 12 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Hot dogs, rolls, condiments, and beverages will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. A hymn sing will round out the program.

Wishing Well Ministry
Throughout the month of May, we are holding a pajama party in the Wishing Well. We are once again collecting pajamas to support Conner’s Comfy PJs. Each year during this month, they collect pajamas for girls and boys in local pediatric cancer treatment centers. This year, they are requesting pajamas for children ages four to 16, as they often get many donations for younger children. Please consider participating in this memorial ministry to help so many pediatric cancer patients. We will collect these pajamas until May 29th. Thank you so much for participating in Conner’s pajama party. Please see Jane McCartney or Allison Carr if you have any questions.


A New Vision – VisionCorps Workshop

Does your friend ask for large-print bulletins on Sunday mornings? Do they hesitate when walking in unfamiliar environments, or when coming inside on a bright sunny day? Have you noticed that they have stopped participating in their favorite activities like reading and sewing, or going out to restaurants?

If you have noticed some of these things with a friend or relative, or perhaps yourself, then you should join Parish Life in the Parlor on May 20th (from 2-3 pm) to learn how a local agency, VisionCorps, may be able to help. Light refreshments will be provided.

VisionCorps provides rehabilitative and educational services to individuals of all ages who are vision impaired living in Lancaster, Lebanon, and Chester Counties. Services include Social Services, Occupational Therapy, and Orientation and Mobility. VisionCorps can also connect individuals to additional resources, such as a Low Vision Specialist.


Week of May 2, 2016

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.

Market Basket
Today is your first chance to sign up for Market Basket to collect this month’s grocery cards.

New Member Directory Pages
New member directory pages are available at the Welcome Center.

The City
If you have any questions on how to use The City, please join us in the Narthex on the following remaining dates:

  • Monday, May 2: 6 pm – 7 pm
  • Wednesday, May 4: 6:30 pm – 8 pm
  • Thursday, May 5: 6:30 pm – 8 pm

Please remember to bring your mobile devices or tablets with you!  Please also take some time to browse The City before attending a session, and bring a list of any questions you have.

Apostles Academy of Arts and Sciences Recital
You are invited to attend the Apostles Academy of Arts and Sciences Recital being held today, May 1st, at 3 pm. The recital will feature students of various instruments, including piano, strings, trumpet, and woodwinds. It will also include an art showcase by featured students of Steve Wilson’s Art Studio. Please come out and support the arts!

Crown Concert
Church of the Apostles is pleased to host one of Brazil’s brightest young composers, Clarice Assad, for a Crown Concert on Thursday, May 12 at 7 pm. Assad has been described by the LA Times as “a dazzling vocal soloist and all-round musician.” TRP (The Reese Project), a modern-day ensemble with an eclectic repertoire of original Jazz, Funk, Rock, Blues, Classical, and World music, will be performing with Assad. Admission to the concert is a free-will offering.

A New Vision Workshop
Does your friend ask for large-print bulletins on Sunday mornings? Do they hesitate when walking in unfamiliar environments, or when coming inside on a bright sunny day? Have you noticed that they have stopped participating in their favorite activities like reading and sewing, or going out to restaurants?

If you have noticed some of these things with a friend or relative, or perhaps yourself, then you should join Parish Life in the Parlor on May 20th (from 2-3 pm) to learn how a local agency, VisionCorps, may be able to help. Light Refreshments will be provided.

VisionCorps provides rehabilitative and educational services to individuals of all ages who are vision impaired living in Lancaster, Lebanon, and Chester Counties. Services include Social Services, Occupational Therapy, and Orientation and Mobility. VisionCorps can also connect individuals to additional resources, such as a Low Vision Specialist.

If you need transportation to this event, please contact the church office at (717) 392-5718.

Installation Service
The Lancaster Association of the United Church of Christ and Church of the Apostles United Church of Christ invite you to the Installation of Reverend Heather Giffen as Associate Minister on Sunday, May 22 at 3:00 pm. A reception in the Narthex will be held immediately following the service.

New Beginnings
Begin your summer with a “New Beginnings” picnic on Thursday, June 9 at 12 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Hot dogs, rolls, condiments, and beverages will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. A hymn sing will round out the program.