Week of October 23, 2016

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, tomatoes, and tuna.

Welcome New Members
Joining us today in membership are: Sara and Nick Bravo with children Cole, Gabe, and Nora; Mary Walters with children Molly and Dillon; Heather Rice with children Matthew and Carolyn; Kelley Dubbs and child Liam. Please welcome them to the COA family!

Hurricane Matthew Relief Appeal
Earlier this month, Hurricane Matthew brought destruction and death to Haiti, Cuba, and the U.S. The United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) are well situated to respond to people impacted both in the Caribbean and within the U.S., and they are ready to respond with other churches to provide food, water, containers, roofs, mattresses, hygiene kits, and psychosocial support to those in need.

Your generosity to this disaster appeal will enable our churches to expand these responses and to support our neighbors now, in the immediate crisis, and through the long-term recovery process that follows. To support this appeal, please make your check out to Church of the Apostles and put “Hurricane Matthew Relief” in the memo area.

All Saints Sunday is October 30
We will remember those who have died in the past year by placing white roses at the table. Should you wish to have your loved one commemorated at this service, please contact the church office at (717) 392-5718 with your name, the name of your loved one, and the date of death by October 25th. We will also need the name of the individual and the time of the worship service they will be attending in order to receive the rose placed in memory of their loved one.

Calling All the Wonderful Bakers at Church of the Apostles
The choir members bake wonderful pies and apple dumplings, but ALL you folks bake the other delicious things for the bake table at the Bazaar. Cookies, cakes, breads, and all other great baked goods are very much appreciated by the choirs, and we ask for your support again this year. Please package cookies in plastic bags by the half dozen and supply the names of the items. We would also appreciate sheet cakes that are sold by the piece for dessert. Bring them to the Fellowship Hall after 4 pm on Friday, November 11. Thank you so much!

Bazaar Help Needed
This year, we will be honoring Al Bischoff, “The Pie Man,” for his efforts over the years. His family will continue their pie-making tradition in his memory. Saturday, November 12 will be a busy day for everyone involved. Help will be needed to cut up veggies, make soup, slice apples, make pies, etc. Volunteers of all ages are needed for handing out shopping bags at the doors, delivering food to vendors, handling money, and serving food to our shoppers. It’s a big operation and everyone young or older is needed to help make our Bazaar the best one in Lancaster County. Please call Doris Robb or Eileen Thomas to volunteer.

Help Needed for Bazaar Set-up
Eric MacLaren would appreciate volunteers to help move furniture out of rooms on Wednesday, November 9 at 5 pm to prepare for the Bazaar on Saturday, November 12. In addition, Eric would like help returning the furniture and room set-ups to their original locations at about 4 pm on Saturday after the Bazaar. Many hands make for light work. If you can help, please call Eric at the church office.


Week of October 16, 2016

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, tomatoes, and tuna.

Market Basket and Thanksgiving
Are you doing extra baking and feeding more people in November? Today is the last Sunday this month you will be able to sign up for grocery cards. They will be available for you to pick up in early November. Our sales support the Saturday Morning Breakfast!

Becoming an Apostle
Today, we will be hosting an informational session at 2 pm in the Youth Center. Commission members will be present, and both visitors and members are welcome. New members will be received on October 23rd.

Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat will be held on Saturday, October 22 from 6-8 pm. There will be Trick or Treating from 6-7 pm in our parking lot. From 6:30-8 pm, you can visit Rader Park and enjoy a hayride, bonfire, snacks and crafts.

Blanket Sunday—October 23
Church World Services (CWS) continues to change lives through generous contributions to the annual Blankets mission. COA encourages members to use their special offering envelope entitled “Blanket Sunday” to donate generously on October 23rd. Contributions are used not only to provide blankets for those in need, but also to offer emergency assistance, tools, clean water, or whatever a community needs to become strong and self-sufficient. CWS also provides opportunities for education. For more information, call (800) 297-1516 or visit www.cwsglobal.org.

All Saints Sunday is October 30
We will remember those who have died in the past year by placing white roses at the table. Should you wish to have your loved one commemorated at this service, please contact the church office at (717) 392-5718 with your name, the name of your loved one, and the date of death by October 25th. We will also need the name of the individual and the time of the worship service they will be attending in order to receive the rose placed in memory of their loved one.

Bazaar Help Needed
This year, we will be honoring Al Bischoff, “The Pie Man,” for his efforts over the years. His family will continue their pie-making tradition in his memory. Saturday, November 12 will be a busy day for everyone involved. Help will be needed to cut up veggies, make soup, slice apples, make pies, etc. Volunteers of all ages are needed for handing out shopping bags at the doors, delivering food to vendors, handling money, and serving food to our shoppers. It’s a big operation and everyone young or older is needed to help make our Bazaar the best one in Lancaster County. Please call Doris Robb or Eileen Thomas to volunteer.

Help Needed for Bazaar Set-up
Eric MacLaren would appreciate volunteers to help move furniture out of rooms on Wednesday, November 9 at 5 pm to prepare for the Bazaar on Saturday, November 12. In addition, Eric would like help returning the furniture and room set-ups to their original locations at about 4 pm on Saturday after the Bazaar. Many hands make for light work. If you can help, please call Eric.

Concert to Benefit LCCC
Rizzetta’s Tones, a Celtic-American band, will be holding a concert on Sunday, October 30 to benefit the Lancaster Council of Churches (LCCC). The concert will begin at 4 pm  at Tellus360 (24 East King Street, Lancaster, PA), and a reception will follow at 6 pm. Tickets are $60 each and should be purchased by October 21. For more information, please contact Kate Rill at (717) 690-8049 or krill@lcchurches.org.


Week of October 9, 2016

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, tomatoes, and tuna.

Market Basket and Thanksgiving
Are you doing extra baking and feeding more people in November? Be sure to sign up for grocery cards in the office the first three weeks of October, and maybe even order extra cards. They will be available for you to pick up in early November. Our sales support the Saturday Morning Breakfast!

Becoming an Apostle
Today and on October 16th, we will be hosting informational sessions at 2 pm in the Youth Center. The purpose of these sessions is to reflect on: “Who are we?” “What do we believe?” and “Where and when are we serving?” These sessions are open to both visitors and members seeking answers to these questions. New members will be received on October 23rd.

New Beginnings
New Beginnings will kick off the 2016-2017 season on Thursday, October 13th in the Fellowship Hall.  A dessert social will begin at 1 pm with the program to follow at 1:30 pm.

Family Game Night
Family Game Night will be held on October 15th from 6:30-8 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Please join us, and bring a snack and game to share.

Volunteers Needed
Parish Life is now looking for three volunteers to make soup for four people for Lunch with the Pastors on Sunday, October 16th. It can be made, frozen, and kept in our freezer. If you can help, please contact Clara Kosmela at (717) 569-9960.

Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat will be held on Saturday, October 22 from 6-8 pm. There will be Trick or Treating from 6-7 pm in our parking lot. From 6:30-8 pm, you can visit Rader Park and enjoy a hayride, bonfire, snacks and crafts.

Blanket Sunday—October 23
Church World Services (CWS) continues to change lives through generous contributions to the annual Blankets mission. COA encourages members to use their special offering envelope entitled “Blanket Sunday” to donate generously on October 23rd. Contributions are used not only to provide blankets for those in need, but also to offer emergency assistance, tools, clean water, or whatever a community needs to become strong and self-sufficient. CWS also provides opportunities for education. For more information, call (800) 297-1516 or visit www.cwsglobal.org.

All Saints Sunday is October 30
We will remember those who have died in the past year by placing white roses at the table. Should you wish to have your loved one commemorated at this service, please contact the church office at (717) 392-5718 with your name, the name of your loved one, and the date of death by October 25th. We will also need the name of the individual and the time of the worship service they will be attending in order to receive the rose placed in memory of their loved one.


Bazaar Help Needed
This year, we will be honoring Al Bischoff, “The Pie Man,” for his efforts over the years. His family will continue their pie-making tradition in his memory. Saturday, November 12 will be a busy day for everyone involved. Help will be needed to cut up veggies, make soup, slice apples, make pies, etc. Volunteers of all ages are needed for handing out shopping bags at the doors, delivering food to vendors, handling money, and serving food to our shoppers. It’s a big operation and everyone young or older is needed to help make our Bazaar the best one in Lancaster County. Please call Doris Robb at 393-7788 or Eileen Thomas at 344-2147 to volunteer.


Pie Pre-Order Form

Every year, the Bischoff family, volunteer friends, and choir members bake pies to sell at the choir table at the Bazaar.  We have found that this pre-order form helps us determine more accurately the kinds of pies and amounts that we need to bake.

Please fill out the form on the back of this sheet to pre-order your pies. Please give the form to any choir member, email it to webmaster@apostlesucc.org, or drop it off in the church office by Thursday, November 3. Do not include payment. We will hold your pies at the choir bake table until 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 12, unless you request special arrangements.

Please click here to download the order form.


Week of October 2, 2016

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, canned tomatoes, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, and tuna.

Market Basket and Thanksgiving
Are you doing extra baking and feeding more people in November? Be sure to sign up for grocery cards in the office the first three weeks of October, and maybe even order extra cards. They will be available for you to pick up in early November. Our sales support the Saturday Morning Breakfast!

Becoming an Apostle
Today begins our new “Becoming an Apostle” series. On October 9th and 16th, we will be hosting informational sessions on Sunday afternoons at 2 pm in the Youth Center. The purpose of these sessions is to reflect on: “Who are we?” “What do we believe?” and “Where and when are we serving?” These sessions are open to both visitors and members seeking answers to these questions. New members will be received on October 23rd.

Attention Music Lovers
On Sunday, October 9th at 4 pm, international organist and lecturer Gail Archer will present a concert of works by Bach, Bruhns, Hensel, Howe, Reger, Schumann, and Tower at St. Anthony of Padua church (501 East Orange Street, Lancaster.) You are welcome to meet the artist and enjoy refreshments after the concert. There is no admission charge; a free-will donation will be accepted.

New Beginnings
New Beginnings will kick off the 2016-2017 season on Thursday, October 13th in the Fellowship Hall.  A dessert social will begin at 1 pm with the program to follow at 1:30 pm.  The program will feature Mr. Bill Uyeda, a resident of Homestead, who will speak about his experience in an internment camp during World War II. Come and learn about the life experience of one of our own.

Blanket Sunday
October 23rd is Blanket Sunday. Church World Services (CWS) continues to change lives through generous contributions to the annual Blankets mission. Church of the Apostles encourages members to use their special offering envelope entitled “Blanket Sunday” to donate generously on October 23rd. Contributions are used not only to provide blankets for those in need, but also to offer emergency assistance, tools, clean water, or whatever a community needs to become strong and self-sufficient. CWS also provides opportunities for education. For more information, you can call (800) 297-1516 or visit the website cwsglobal.org. Thank you for your attention to this very worthy cause.

All Saints Sunday is October 30
We will remember those who have died in the past year by placing white roses at the table. Should you wish to have your loved one commemorated at this service, please contact the church office at (717) 392-5718 with your name, the name of your loved one, and the date of death by October 25th. We will also need the name of the individual and the time of the worship service they will be attending in order to receive the rose placed in memory of their loved one.

Bazaar Help Needed
The Christmas in the Country Bazaar is coming up. This year, we will be honoring Al Bishoff, “The Pie Man,” for his efforts over the years. His family will continue their pie- making tradition in his memory. Saturday, November 12 will be a busy day for everyone involved. Help will be needed to cut up veggies, make soup, slice apples, and make pies in addition to all of the cookies and cakes that can be made by anyone. Volunteers of all ages are needed for handing out shopping bags at the doors, delivering food to our vendors, handling money, and serving food to our shoppers. It’s a big operation and everyone young or older is needed to help make our Bazaar the best one in Lancaster County. Please call Doris Robb or Eileen Thomas to volunteer.


Trunk or Treat
