Week of June 25, 2017

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, tomatoes, and tuna.

Grocery Cards
This month, 15 people purchased enough grocery cards to give Outreach $207.50 to give to worthy causes. What could happen if 30 people purchased cards?

Wishing Well
The Sundays in June will be Undies Sundays! Please consider participating in this ministry to help Martin Elementary School students by donating underwear for boys and girls ages 4 to 12. We are collecting these Undies in the Wishing Well. We have another fun collection for July, so stay tuned!

Wacky Wednesdays
Wacky Wednesdays will be held from 10-11:30 am on Wednesdays from June 28-August 2 in Rader Park. Please visit the Welcome Center for a detailed flyer.

Transitional Living Center (TLC)
On Sunday June 18th, our congregation had the pleasure of having Doug Hopwood and Jules of TLC speak during both services. Doug, Division Manager, gave an overview of TLC and its services and explained a current fundraising need for additional air conditioning in several of the windowless rooms. Jules, who previously was a guest of TLC and now is an employee, shared her story of homelessness to independence.

TLC serves veterans, those reentering society from prison, and families that are facing homelessness. Presently, it is the only shelter that allows families to stay together. The average stay is four to five months with 70-80% attaining permanent housing upon leaving. Occupancy is at a new time high with105 people, including 43 children, compared to 80 guests and 20 children last year. There are 52 rooms with six being windowless. These six are the rooms that need upgrading.

The Outreach Commission has donated $2,500 and Parish Life has donated $600. If you would consider making a personal donation to help TLC have 100% capacity during the summer, it would be greatly appreciated. Please make your check out to Church of the Apostles with TLC in the memo area. As always, thank you for your continued generosity.

Intergenerational Events
The Intergenerational Events Team is looking for new members. This committee plans and coordinates events involving all members of COA, including: Trunk or Treat, Pool Party at Homestead Village, Family Movie Night, Advent Workshop, and Vacation Bible School. Most of these events take only a small amount of time to plan and can even be planned via email. We are always open to new ideas. For more information contact Christa Conrad (Education Chair) at (717) 575-8210.

Support Our Campers!
This summer, we have several kids going to church camp at Hartman Center! It is a wonderful opportunity for our kids to meet new people, have fun, learn new skills, and grow in their faith. For us as a church family, it is also an opportunity to support our young people by sending a note to let them know that we are praying for their well-being and spiritual growth. If interested, send all mail (c/o their name) to: Hartman Center, 5725 Old US Hwy. 322, Milroy, PA 17063. Please see Rev. Giffen for more information.


Book Club

The COA Book Club meets every second Tuesday of the month at 2 pm in the library. Please join us on Tuesday, July 11 to discuss A Bridge Across the Ocean by Susan Meissner. In the upcoming months, we will gather to discuss:

  • August 8th: Night Road by Kristin Hannah
  • September12th: Hillbilly Elegy by J.D. Vance
  • October 10th: Dangerous Games by Danielle Steele
  • November 14th: The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena

We are happy to have new people join us! If you have any questions, please contact the church office at (717) 392-5718.


Week of June 18, 2017

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, tomatoes, and tuna.

Market Basket
During the first three Sundays of each month, you have the opportunity to buy grocery cards in the office after service. You can buy cards for the following month and pick up the ones you ordered last month. Remember, the discount we earn from purchasing cards in bulk from Giant, Stauffers, and Weis provide food for the Saturday Breakfast downtown once a month. Helping others is easy, as well as a wonderful thing!

Wishing Well
The Sundays in June will be Undies Sundays! Please consider participating in this ministry to help Martin Elementary School students by donating underwear for boys and girls ages 4 to 12. We are collecting these Undies in the Wishing Well. We have another fun collection for July, so stay tuned! Thank you for supporting Undies Sundays!

Wacky Wednesdays
Wacky Wednesdays will be held this year from 10-11:30 am on Wednesdays from June 28-August 2 in Rader Park. Please visit the Welcome Center for a detailed flyer.

Vacation Bible School
VBS begins today and will continue through June 22 from 6:30-8:30 pm in Rader Park.

Come visit the garden and see all the things growing! We have times for anyone to help throughout the week – Tuesdays at 9 am, Fridays at 7 pm, and Sundays after the 9:15 service. You don’t need to sign up. There are picnic tables in the garden so you can even bring a picnic and enjoy watching the plants grow or the people working.

Meditation Walk
There are four gazebos in the park that may be used as stopping spots on a Meditation Walk in Rader Park. Each gazebo was recently power washed and a wood preservative applied. An area around each gazebo will be prepared for a special planting. What is needed now are four families or groups of friends who will plan a meditation and choose the plants that will go around the structure to make it inviting. Let the office know if you are interested, or call Carol Nielsen at 391-2815 if you have any questions.

Share the Bounty
If you have flowers or anything from your garden you wish to share, bring it to the card table just outside the Narthex. If you see something you would like, take it; and if you wish, you can make a donation in the small box on the table.

Apostles Community Preschool
Apostles Community Preschool is conducting interviews for an aide position for the 2017-18 school year. If you would like to be considered, please contact Linda Lewis at (717) 392-5598.


Week of June 11, 2017

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, tomatoes, and tuna.

Market Basket
During the first three Sundays of each month, you have the opportunity to buy grocery cards in the office after service. You can buy cards for the following month and pick up the ones you ordered last month. Remember, the discount we earn from purchasing cards in bulk from Giant, Stauffers, and Weis provide food for the Saturday Breakfast downtown once a month. Helping others is easy, as well as a wonderful thing!

Wishing Well
The Sundays in June will be Undies Sundays! Please consider participating in this ministry to help Martin Elementary School students by donating underwear for boys and girls ages 4 to 12. We are collecting these Undies in the Wishing Well. We have another fun collection for July, so stay tuned! Thank you for supporting Undies Sundays!

Wacky Wednesdays
Wacky Wednesdays will be held this year from 10-11:30 am on Wednesdays from June 28-August 2 in Rader Park. Please visit the Welcome Center for a detailed flyer.

Vacation Bible School
Church of the Apostles and Salem U.C.C. invite you to join us for Vacation Bible School 2017 on June 18-22 from 6:30-8:30 pm. Registration forms are located at the Welcome Center. Please return completed forms to the church office by June 12, or register online at www.apostlesucc.org.

Come visit the garden and see all the things growing! We have times for anyone to help throughout the week – Tuesdays at 9 am, Fridays at 7 pm, and Sundays after the 9:15 service. You don’t need to sign up. There are picnic tables in the garden so you can even bring a picnic and enjoy watching the plants grow or the people working.

Meditation Walk
There are four gazebos in the park that may be used as stopping spots on a Meditation Walk in Rader Park. Each gazebo was recently power washed and a wood preservative applied. An area around each gazebo will be prepared for a special planting. What is needed now are four families or groups of friends who will plan a meditation and choose the plants that will go around the structure to make it inviting. Let the office know if you are interested, or call Carol Nielsen at 391-2815 if you have any questions.

Transitional Living Center (TLC)
Next Sunday, June 18th, Doug Hopwood, Division Manager of Transitional Living Center, will be speaking in church about TLC and its need for funding for air conditioning for several rooms in the building. (Please see The Crown for full article.) Working together as a church, we have a great opportunity to help Transitional Living Center operate at 100% capacity.


Week of June 4, 2017

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, tomatoes, and tuna.

Market Basket
During the first three Sundays of each month, you have the opportunity to buy grocery cards in the office after service. You can buy cards for the following month and pick up the ones you ordered last month. Remember, the discount we earn from purchasing cards in bulk from Giant, Stauffers, and Weis provide food for the Saturday Breakfast downtown once a month. Helping others is easy, as well as a wonderful thing!

New Beginnings
Join us for the first picnic of the season on Thursday, June 8 at 12 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Hot dogs, rolls, condiments, and drinks will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. A hymn sing will conclude the program.

Wishing Well
The Sundays in June will be Undies Sundays! Please consider participating in this ministry to help Martin Elementary School students by donating underwear for boys and girls ages 4 to 12. We are collecting these Undies in the Wishing Well. We have another fun collection for July, so stay tuned! Thank you for supporting Undies Sundays!

Wacky Wednesdays
Wacky Wednesdays will be held this year from 10-11:30 am on Wednesdays from June 28-August 2 in Rader Park. Please visit the Welcome Center for a detailed flyer.

Vacation Bible School
Church of the Apostles and Salem U.C.C. invite you to join us for Vacation Bible School 2017 on June 18-22 from 6:30-8:30 pm. Registration forms are located at the Welcome Center. Please return completed forms to the church office by June 12, or register online at www.apostlesucc.org.

Come visit the garden and see all the things growing! We have times for anyone to help throughout the week – Tuesdays at 9 am, Fridays at 7 pm, and Sundays after the 9:15 service. You don’t need to sign up. There are picnic tables in the garden so you can even bring a picnic and enjoy watching the plants grow or the people working.

Meditation Walk
There are four gazebos in the park that may be used as stopping spots on a Meditation Walk in Rader Park. Each gazebo was recently power washed and a wood preservative applied. An area around each gazebo will be prepared for a special planting. What is needed now are four families or groups of friends who will plan a meditation and choose the plants that will go around the structure to make it inviting. Let the office know if you are interested, or call Carol Nielsen at 391-2815 if you have any questions.

Lancaster Summer Arts Recital
An organ recital will be held on Thursday, June 15 at 7 pm at Grace Lutheran Church (517 North Queen Street, Lancaster, PA). The recital will feature local organists who will play compositions by Bach, Franck, Widor, and more. This event is free; a free-will offering will be collected.