“Taking Pictures in Nature”

Let’s meet at the Rader Park Pavilion!

*Tuesday, June 12 – 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm (Rain date Thursday, June 14)

(To register for an event, please sign up at the Welcome Center or contact the church office at 717-392-5718.)

Learn basic photography skills and more with Lori Stahl, a professional photographer, to capture beautiful outdoor pictures.

There is no charge to attend this event.

We will meet at the Pavilion in Rader Park located on Church of the Apostles’ campus (follow signs to the park)
1899 Apostle Way, Lancaster, PA 17603

New Beginnings

Kick off your summer on Thursday, June 7th at 12 pm in the Fellowship Hall with our End of the Year picnic. Hot dogs, rolls, condiments, and beverages will be provided.  Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Following the picnic, entertainment will include a hymn sing and a presentation by Rev. Kathryn Kuhn focusing on her travels while on sabbatical.


Week of May 13, 2018

Food Bank
Needs: cold cereal, potatoes (dry or canned), mac ‘n cheese, tuna or hamburger helpers, cookies, canned items including: tuna, fruit, soups, and canned meat

Apostles Assistance Fund
Needs: laundry detergent, women’s deodorant, paper towels, toilet paper, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes. Financial gifts are also appreciated.

Market Basket
Do you shop at Stauffers, Weis, or Giant? If you do, you can buy grocery cards that will support the Outreach Commission in helping the needy. The stores give churches a discount. The cards are available in the church office after each service.

Cottage Meetings & Survey
The Growth Task Force is looking for your wisdom to create a strategic growth plan. To achieve this, we are hosting Cottage Meetings. The next meeting will be held at the Burkholder Chapel in Homestead Village on May 21 at 1:30 pm. Please sign up for a meeting on the bulletin board in the lobby and join us to be a part of this important process.

Wishing Well
We are collecting children’s pajamas for boys and girls ages 18 months-18 years to support Conner’s Comfy PJs through May 24th. Thank you for your support!

Worship Service: May 20
There will be one worship service on Sunday, May 20 at 10 am. Please join us to observe Pentecost and to support our youth on their Confirmation day.

Volunteers Needed to Pack Food
On May 20th at 1 pm, help is needed to put together food packs at First Presbyterian Church (140 East Orange Street). We plan to pack as many as possible for the Central American Relief Efforts to ship them to schools in Honduras and provide the often one meal a day these school children can enjoy. We need a lot of helpers! Please contact Andy Appel at (717) 490-0093 or andyappel@epix.net if you can help. Remember our youth are raising funds to ship the food pack to Honduras!

Strengthen the Church Offering—Sunday, May 27
Our next special offering will be collected on Sunday, May 27, 2018. Please join us in planting the seeds needed to grow and sustain our denomination by making a gift to the Strengthen the Church offering. Envelopes are available at the Welcome Center.

New Beginnings
Kick off your summer on Thursday, June 7th at 12 pm in the Fellowship Hall with our End of the Year picnic. Hot dogs, rolls, condiments, and beverages will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Following the picnic, entertainment will include a hymn sing and a presentation by Rev. Kathryn Kuhn focusing on her travels while on sabbatical.

Rader Park Events
Would you like to learn how to take better pictures outdoors? If so, save the date of June 12 at 5:30 pm for an informational session at the park. More details to follow.

Perennials Needed
The flower gardens in Rader Park could use your unwanted, non-invasive, and not-too- tall perennials. Any stray flagstones you may have would be appreciated too. Please bring them to the office or contact Carol Nielsen at (717) 391-2815.

COA Directory
Lifetouch has advised that we are able add new members’ contact information (including address, email, and phone numbers) to the Mobile Directory. However, we will not be able to add photos to it at this time, as Lifetouch requires at least 15 new congregation members for them to hold a new photography session. Once we reach 10 new members, we will begin to collect the names of those who would like to participate in a new photography session for COA. If you have any questions, please contact Donna Carr at (717) 475-5285 or Michelle Ayala at (717) 392-5718.

Handwork Group
The Handwork Group will meet on May 23 from 1-3 pm in from 305. If you are interested, you are welcome to join us and the Craft Group.

VBS Song Leader Needed
Church of the Apostles is teaming up with Salem UCC for another meaningful and fun VBS on June 24-28 from 6:30-8:30 pm. However, we are in need of an enthusiastic song leader! Please Contact Judy Waltman at (717) 285-7395 if you are interested or can suggest someone.

May 20 Worship

There will be one combined worship service at 10 am on Sunday, May 20 in observance of Pentecost and Confirmation Sunday.