Harvest Home Sunday
Each year, we celebrate God’s autumn bounty by giving a portion of it to those who are less fortunate. We ask each member of our church family to bring non-perishable food to church on Harvest Home Sunday—Sunday, September 9. Monetary gifts may go into your special envelope and placed into the collection plate, or you can donate online at http://apostlesucc.org/donation-form/.
These donations will be taken to the Lancaster County Council of Churches, Hempfield Area Food Pantry, and our own Food Bank at Church of the Apostles, which supports Apostles Assistance. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Schock.
Choir Retreat
A Choir Retreat will be held on Saturday, September 1 at the McKonly homestead from 9:00 am to noon. Our morning of rehearsing anthems for the fall season will be followed by a delicious meal, including a wonderful variety of soups, sandwiches, corn, and sides! There is a sign-up list posted outside of the choir room.
Our present choir is a dedicated group who like to sing and have fun. We can always use more voices, so please consider joining us at the retreat. You are welcome to come, even if you can’t make it to choir every Sunday. For directions, or if you have any questions, please contact Nathan Sheffer or Cindy Kahler at (717) 392-5718.
Widows Support Group
On Wednesday, August 29 at 9:30 am, the Widows Group will meet to discuss the life changes that follow the loss of a spouse. Recognizing that everyone’s journey is different, we thought this may be an outlet for you to find support and to support others in their respective experiences. Refreshments and pastries will be served. Members and non-members are welcome, so please feel free to invite someone you think might benefit from this discussion. Please call the church office at (717) 392-5718 if you would like to join us.
Women’s Luncheon: Let’s Talk Faith, Family, and Work
Women’s Luncheon: Let’s Talk Faith, Family, and Work
Church of the Apostles and the Lancaster Interfaith Coalition are hosting a women’s interfaith luncheon on Sunday, August 26 from 1-3 pm at the Pavilion in Rader Park. All women and their children are welcome to attend. The group will meet for this special event to celebrate what women of all traditions and backgrounds have in common and what is unique about each of them. Everyone attending is encouraged to bring a dish to share with the group that reflects their own tradition and background. The Coalition requests that shared dishes made with milk products or meat be identified and that they not include pork or shellfish, if possible.
Donations for the Domestic Violence Shelter in Lancaster City are welcome and will be collected at the event. Luncheon details and the shelter’s wish list is located on the bulletin board outside of the church office. If you have any questions, or would like to RSVP, please contact the church office at (717) 392-5718.
Week of August 12, 2018
Food Bank
Needs: cold cereal, potatoes (dry or canned), rice, pasta, spaghetti sauce, peanut butter, mac ‘n cheese, tuna or hamburger helpers, cookies, canned items including: beans, tuna, fruit, soups, vegetables, and canned meat
Apostles Assistance Fund
Needs: laundry detergent, deodorant, paper towels, toilet paper, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes. Financial gifts are also appreciated.
Market Basket
Do you shop at Stauffers, Weis, or Giant? If you do, you can buy grocery cards that will support the Outreach Commission in helping the needy. The stores give churches a discount. The cards are available in the church office after each service.
Church Family Picnic
Join us for the last Church Family Picnic Night of the summer on Wednesday, August 15 at 5:15 pm. All are welcome to join us for a family-style picnic! Hot dogs, buns, and drinks will be provided. We ask that each family bring one dish to share. Come for fun and fellowship! Please sign up at the Rader Park bulletin board in the lobby if you plan to attend.
Women’s Luncheon: Let’s Talk Faith, Family, and Work
Church of the Apostles and the Lancaster Interfaith Coalition are hosting a women’s interfaith luncheon on Sunday, August 26 from 1-3 pm at the Pavilion in Rader Park. All women and their children are welcome to attend. The group will meet for this special event to celebrate what women of all traditions and backgrounds have in common and what is unique about each of them. Everyone attending is encouraged to bring a dish to share with the group that reflects their own tradition and background. The Coalition requests that shared dishes made with milk products or meat be identified and that they not include pork or shellfish, if possible.
Donations for the Domestic Violence Shelter in Lancaster City are welcome and will be collected at the event. Luncheon details and the shelter’s wish list is located on the bulletin board outside of the church office. If you have any questions, or would like to RSVP, please contact the church office at (717) 392-5718.
New Beginnings
Join us for a new season of “New Beginnings” on Thursday, October 11th at 1 pm. Milt Gockley will be testing our knowledge with his game “What in the World is This,” better known as WitWit. Please bring a dessert to share and meet us in Fellowship Hall for the fun and friendly competition.
Black Rock Retreat (October 12-14)
Our Life Group is searching for two people to fill fall retreat spots for Marty and Betty Holmes. With Betty’s recent health challenges, she and Marty will be unable to fulfill their commitment for this retreat. It is a three-day retreat only half hour away at beautiful Black Rock Retreat Center in Quarryville, PA. It begins with check-in on Friday evening and ends after lunch on Sunday. The fee covers two nights of lodging in a motel style setting and five meals. We will have Bible study and enjoy food and fellowship with a lot of relaxation in a beautiful setting. For more information, please call Donna Carr at 717-475-5285 ASAP. The deadline is September 2nd.
Choir Retreat
A Choir Retreat will be held on Saturday, September 1 at the McKonly homestead from 9:00 am to noon. Our morning of rehearsing anthems for the fall season will be followed by a delicious meal, including a wonderful variety of soups, sandwiches, corn, and sides! There is a sign-up list posted outside of the choir room.
Our present choir is a dedicated group who like to sing and have fun. We can always use more voices, so please consider joining us at the retreat. You are welcome to come, even if you can’t make it to choir every Sunday. For directions, or if you have any questions, please contact Nathan Sheffer or Cindy Kahler at (717) 392-5718.
COA Garden
During the last two weeks, our church garden sent 126.8 pounds of vegetables to the Hempfield Food Pantry. Thank you to everyone who has been helping us in the garden!
Wishing Well
We are collecting home care and personal care items for the Apostles Assistance Fund. Items needed are posted on sticky notes on two posters (one in the cloak room and one on the Outreach bulletin board). Thank you for supporting this outreach ministry.
Church Family Picnic
Join us for our last Church Family Picnic Night of the summer on Wednesday, August 15 at 5:15 pm. All are welcome to join us for a family-style picnic! Hot dogs, buns, and drinks will be provided. We ask that each family bring one dish to share. Come for fun and fellowship! Please sign up at the Rader Park bulletin board in the lobby or RSVP to (717) 392-5718 if you plan to attend.
Week of August 5, 2018
Food Bank
Needs: cold cereal, potatoes (dry or canned), rice, pasta, spaghetti sauce, peanut butter, mac ‘n cheese, tuna or hamburger helpers, cookies, canned items including: beans, tuna, fruit, soups, vegetables, and canned meat
Apostles Assistance Fund
Needs: laundry detergent, deodorant, paper towels, toilet paper, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes. Financial gifts are also appreciated.
Market Basket
During the first three Sundays of each month, you have the opportunity to buy grocery cards in the office after service. You can buy cards for the following month and pick up the ones you ordered last month. Remember, the discount we earn from purchasing cards in bulk from Giant, Stauffers, and Weis provide food for the Saturday Breakfast downtown once a month. Helping others is easy, as well as a wonderful thing!
Wacky Wednesday
Wacky Wednesday continues on August 8 at 10:00 am in Rader Park. Bring your child(ren) ages preschool through third grade (and their friends!) to enjoy a story, activity and snack, and learn more about the park and its native wildlife.
Friday Night at the Movies
Join us on Friday, August 10 at 6:30 pm in Rader Park for a night at the movies to see “Disneynature: Earth,” the story of how three animal mothers, a polar bear, an African elephant, and a humpback whale, keep their young safe in increasingly dangerous environments.
Bring your blankets, chairs, and bring a friend! Popcorn, pretzels, and drinks will be provided. There is no charge to attend this event. Please RSVP at the Rader Park bulletin board in the lobby.
COA and Transitional Living Center Picnic
There’s still time to sign up for the picnic COA is hosting for the Transitional Living Center (TLC) on Sunday, August 12 from 1–4 pm. We are proud to support this vital ministry that assists persons and families to transition from homelessness to permanent housing.
We can all help make this a memorable experience for TLC. How can you help?
- We need two “grill masters” to cook hot dogs and burgers
- We need donations of “covered dishes” to go with the hot dogs and burgers, even if the donor(s) can’t attend
- We need enough food donations to feed as many as 100 people in total
- We need people to help set up as well as clean up
Most importantly, we need YOU! We need our church family to attend and to fellowship with our guests, play games with them, and make them feel at home.
Thank you, in advance, for participating in this exciting event. Together, we can continue to positively affect the lives of those at TLC! If you have any questions, or would like more information, please contact Andy Appel at (717) 490-0093. Please sign up to volunteer at the Rader Park bulletin board in the lobby.
Church Family Picnic
Join us for the last Church Family Picnic Night of the summer on Wednesday, August 15 at 5:15 pm. All are welcome to join us for a family-style picnic! Hot dogs, buns, and drinks will be provided. We ask that each family bring one dish to share. Come for fun and fellowship! Please sign up at the Rader Park bulletin board in the lobby if you plan to attend.
Wishing Well
For the remainder of the summer, we will continue to collect home care and personal care items for the Apostles Assistance Fund. Rev. Kathryn Kuhn and Rev. Heather Giffen receive many requests for home and personal care supplies, so we need to fill these needs through the Apostles Assistance Fund. Items needed are posted on sticky notes on two posters (one in the cloak room and one on the Outreach bulletin board). Thank you for supporting this outreach ministry.
Join Our Book Club!
We are happy to have new people join us (even if you haven’t read the book)! Join us for great discussions and books from every genre.
Please join us on Tuesday, August 14 to discuss the book “The Duchess” by Danielle Steele (a DVD will be shown). Our book club meets every second Tuesday of the month at 2:00 pm in the Parlor.
Upcoming books will include:
- September 11: “An American Family” by Khizr Kahn
- October 9: “The Supreme Macaroni Company” by Adriana Trigiani
If you have any questions, please contact us at (717) 392-5718. Hope to see you there!