42 Annual Christmas in the Country Bazaar – November 9th 9 AM – 3 PM

There will be over 60 juried crafters who rent spaces in the church to bring you an interesting array of handcrafted items. Fellowship Hall will be transformed into a Food Court with soups, sandwiches, hot dogs, BBQ and drinks. Delicious desserts of all kinds will also be featured. For more information visit the following link:
Christmas in the Country

Faith & Justice Assembly

“Called to Uproot and to Plant” October 24
We will host this year’s Faith & Justice Assembly in our Fellowship Hall today from 4 PM – 6 PM on the issue of 100% fair funding for Pennsylvania public education. If you are interested in this topic or you want to know more about it, please join us. It will be a time of singing, explaining the issue, hearing from those directly affected and praying. Our congregation is also supplying the snacks and refreshments.

2020 COA Garage Sale

April 17th and 18th, 2020

Did you get a Christmas present that you don’t like or would never use? If so, consider donating it to this year’s COA Garage Sale. If you haven’t started yet, it is time to select a spot in your home where you can start putting items you want to donate to the Garage Sale.

This year’s sale will be held after Easter on Friday, April 17th and Saturday, April 18th. Please plan to donate your items from Monday, April 13th to Thursday, April 16th. Help with preparation (unpacking, sorting, pricing and displaying) is also needed. We are also looking for cashiers on the 2 days of the sale. We need EVERYONE IN ONE WAY OR ALL WAYS! Please contact Clara Kosmela (717)- 569-9960 to volunteer. Thank you in advance for your help.

Week of August 11, 2019


Happening This Sunday. . .


A congregational meeting will be held today between services to vote on the Property projects.

Assistance will be available today in the parlor between services to help church members put the COA Mobile Directory on their smart phone!  This can help you stay in touch with members and quickly call, e-mail or get directions to their homes.  This assistance will be offered again on Sunday, September 8th.  If you have any questions, please contact Donna Carr at 717-475-5285.

Upcoming Events. . .

Next Meeting:  Monday, Sept. 23rd from 5:15 pm—7:15 pm in the COA kitchen.  Theme:  Assembling Freezer Meals.  Please call Donna Carr at 717-475-5285 to add your name to the participant list.

November 23 —
Bus trip to the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History in Washington, D.C.  Cost of bus ride: approx. $35.  Museum is free, as of now.  Cost is dependent upon how many sign up and the ratio of adults to children.  Details can be found in the August Crown or contact Cathy Kenlin via e-mail: cmkenlin@comcast.net or text/call: 717-940-0364.

Anyone wishing to add their name to the list for a Lifetouch photo shoot, the event will take place all day on Tuesday, October 29th in rooms 304 & 305 and 8 am—3 pm on Wednesday, October 30th in room 304.  Contact Donna Carr at 717-475-5285.


Join the fun at Nerf Night to be held September 14th from 7 PM—9 PM.  There will be an indoor course in Fellowship Hall.  Standard Nerf darts will be provided!  More details to follow.

Crown Newsletters

Our monthly Crown Newsletter gives readers the opportunity to learn more about current events here at Church of the Apostles UCC.  Click the image below to read this month’s issue!

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