Lenten Programs and Holy Week Schedule


Sundays During the Lenten Season ADULT EDUCATION  •  RESURRECTION NOW  •  10:45 AM  in Room 304
and 12 PM  in the Church Parlor

The Resurrection Now: Delighting in Our Salvation series will be presented each Sunday through Lent at 10:45 AM and 12 PM.  Each session will feature a DVD presentation by Richard Rohr. Check the March Crown for topics that will be covered during each session.

•  Wednesday Evenings During Lent  •  7 PM  •  Church Parlor
Join us for an evening of prayer, song, scripture readings and reflection every Wednesday evening during Lent, beginning March 4th.  The series entitled, Stories Jesus Told, will also include video and conversation.  Check the March Crown for details.


Maundy Thursday Service
April 9, 2020 at 7 PM

Good Friday Service
April 10, 2020 at 7 PM

Easter Sunday
April 12, 2020
Outdoor Worship Service at 7 AM in Rader Park.
Worship Service: 9:15 & 10:45 AM on Easter.

These services have been
musically identical.

Interfaith Pilgrimage

Due to the Corona virus pandemic, the Interfaith Pilgrimage has been cancelled at this time.

March 13 – April 4

Over the next month, the Lancaster Interfaith Coalition is sponsoring an interfaith pilgrimage to experience the worship of other faiths. Each visit will include a time to gather prior to worship for some explanation and tips on understanding the experience.  
· Friday, March 13: Opening Dinner & visit at Shaarai Shomayim, 5:30 PM
· Sunday, March 15: Church of the Apostles, UCC, 10 AM
· Friday, March 27, Islamic Community Center, 12:15 PM
· Sunday, March 29, Unitarian Universalist Church of Lancaster, 9:30 AM
· Saturday, April 4, Reflection Gathering with River Crossing Playback Theatre, 5 PM  
To register, go to the Eventbrite link on the Lancaster Interfaith Coalition Facebook page.

Ash Wednesday Service

February 26, 2020 • 7:00 PM • Sanctuary

All are invited to an evening of reflection as we begin the Lenten season.

Seeds of Climate Hope

First Sunday of the Month • 10:45 AM • Parlor

Sunday, March 1 — There will be a showing of a video on Sustainable Lifestyles. Join the discussion on how we can help maintain a healthy climate.

Did you know. . .25% of agricultural water goes toward producing food that ultimately goes uneaten?