Lenten Vespers Online

With the world changing so rapidly now and physical contact being discouraged, we are trying alternative ways to connect us as a congregation. Church of the Apostles will be hosting Evening Vespers online, every Wednesday evening at 7 PM, during the Lenten season. Church members are invited to email the church office and request the Zoom meeting link, I.D. and password to join this prayer gathering.


In response to the growing public concern regarding the coronavirus pandemic, Church of the Apostles, UCC has made a decision, effective Tuesday, March 17th, to temporarily suspend Sunday worship services as well as all church activities and meetings until March 31st.  Videos of the services, along with corresponding bulletins, will be available on the church web site.  The church office will remain active behind-the-scenes to address essential issues.  If you need assistance, please call 717-392-5718 or email us.