Nativity Scenes (Crèches)

We are inviting you to share with us a nativity scene that you own, so that it can be included in displays within our main narthex. We hope to create at least two areas where several different nativity scenes are displayed for people to see while they are in the building during the Advent/Christmas season. We would love to have nativity scenes that represent different cultures or places as we broaden our minds on the significance of Jesus’ birth to the world.


For Christmas Eve, we hope to have luminaries along the driveway. We are asking individuals and families to help create and set up luminaries on the night of Christmas Eve and then remove them the following Sunday. If you’d like to participate, please call the church office. We’ll create a package for you with the needed supplies, and then you can let your creativity flow and cut out designs on the bag to make it extra special.