Heritage & Horizons Fall 2021 Program

For over a quarter-century, Heritage & Horizons has provided educational opportunities for adults in Lancaster County, with a group of dedicated volunteers working hard to plan and organize unique and engaging programs for both the spring and fall. This fall join us as we embrace the theme of “People, Places and Things,” and explore topics ranging from unique eateries to the Korean War. This series will occur Tuesday mornings for 5 weeks beginning September 28. There are two sessions each day, one beginning at 9:30 am and the other beginning after a break at 10:50 am. All sessions take place in the Sanctuary of Church of the Apostles UCC, which is fully accessible and has plenty of free off-street parking available.

Registration for all five weeks is 15$ or you can pay per day at $5 if only attending one or two days. To register for this event please click here.

Church Wide Book Study

After twenty plus members completed the study of “Transforming Congregational Culture” by Anthony B. Robinson over the summer, they came to the same, unified conclusion: “More of our congregation needs to experience this study!” Focusing on a range of topics from culture change to God’s call for us to be instruments of transformation, this study is for anyone who has a heart for Christ and his church. Led by Pastor Joe, this six session series will meet weekly from October 6th – November 21st (with a break the week of October 25th). Two in person options are available: Sundays from 10:00-10:50am & Wednesdays from 1:00-2:30pm. Wednesday’s sessions are specifically designed with non-readers in mind. There is also a Thursday 7-8pm Zoom option. To register please use the links below, contact the church office or sign up in the narthex where limited copies of the book are available to be picked up.

  • In person: Sundays from 10:00-10:50am or Wednesdays from 1:00-2:30pm
  • By Zoom: Thursdays from 7-8pm

If you have any questions, contact Pastor Motz.