Christmas in the Country Bazaar and Craft Show

Lancaster’s much anticipated 44th Annual Christmas in the Country Bazaar and Craft Show will be held on Saturday, November 13 at Church of the Apostles, UCC, 1850 Marietta Avenue, from 9 am to 3 pm. This year’s Bazaar will include many long-time and new vendors who will feature crafts, such as: handmade wreaths, baskets, pillows, stained glass decorations, jewelry, paintings, artwork, doll clothes, holiday and seasonal ornaments, hand-carved wood novelties and more! In addition to crafters, the Bazaar will include the Apostles Crafters Room, featuring handmade craft items created throughout the year by church members. Also on tap will be the Corner Cupboard with jams, jellies, candies and other beautifully-presented homemade treats.

Food will be for sale throughout the event, but must be taken to go.

Proceeds from the food tables, Apostles Crafters and rental fees will support missions, outreach projects and special needs within the church and community.

There is no charge for this event and ample parking will be available.

For more information, please contact the church office at 717-392-5718.Please be aware that at this time, we are following CDC guidelines and will require masks for this event.

Vaccine Clinic on Sunday November 14 from 10am-11am!

Church of the Apostles will be hosting Melissa Koehler of Hillcrest Pharmacy for a vaccination clinic in the West Narthex on November 14 from 10:00 am – 11:00 am. This clinic will offer boosters for all 3 types of vaccine, flu shots, and first rounds of the COVID vaccine for children ages 5-11*.

Please note the following qualifications for a COVID booster: Anyone over 65, anyone over 18 who is immunocompromised, has a high risk condition, or works in a high risk setting (healthcare, teacher, grocery store, or locations where you have a lot of contact with the public) and also meets the criteria of being more than 6 months since you received either Pfizer or Moderna or 2 months since you received your J&J vaccination.

If you are interested please sign up by calling (717) 392-5718 or emailing

Vaccinations will be free with valid insurance/medicare, and spots are limited! Advance sign-ups will be required.

*availability is based on approval and pending guidelines. Please be aware we may have to cancel this particular offering and will provide notice prior to doing so.

All Saints Day Combined Service

This is a reminder that our October 31 service will be a special combined service at 10 am in honor of all saints day. Please join us as we honor and remember all of our member saints who have died in 2020 and 2021.

Phredd Ukulele One Man Band

Join in the fun at this family friendly concert event as we welcome Phredd, a self described Ukulele Strumming, Harmonica Wailing, Suitcase Drum Kicking, Quirky Singer-Songwriter of Unmitigated Joy! For more information on Phredd and his music, please visit: Admission to this event is FREE and it is open to the public! Charitable donations are welcome to support ongoing ministries that help made this event possible!

Alternative Service: Unheard Women’s Voices in Scripture and Song

Please join us on Saturday October 23 at 6 pm as we host vocalist Maria Damore for this unique and inspiring service celebrating some of the underrepresented female voices from the Bible and in American modern music. The bulletin for this service can be found by clicking here.

2021 Trunk or Treat

To sign up to volunteer for this year’s event please see the volunteer sign-up form here.  To register as an attendee or to participate by creating a trunk display fill out the event registration form here.  

We are also looking for donations of wrapped candy or party favors for this year’s event! Donations can be dropped off by the carts in the Narthex. 

Any additional questions on this year’s even should be directed to the office at (717) 392-5718 or by emailing

COVID Booster and Flu Shots Available 10/17

Flu shots and the COVID Booster shot will be available on Sunday October 17 between services from approximately 10am-11am from Melissa Koehler. To sign up please call the office at (717) 392-5718 or email