2021 Advent Devotional Guide

For this year’s advent season, we have compiled a dedicated guide of devotionals, poems, prayers, children’s activities and more. Please use this guide to reflect and get inspired during this special time of the year. The guide can be downloaded by clicking the image below or by clicking here. Copies of the guide will also be available at the welcome center.

Reverse Advent Calendar

Join us as we embrace our giving spirit and collect for those in need during this Advent season. We invite each family to start filling a box when they do their Advent devotions. Return the box to the church on “Boxing Day”, Sunday, December 26 and we will see that they get to a local food bank. If filling a box seems too much for you, you are more than welcome to bring just single items to restock our food bank for those in need, and we will have a box out for those donations!

Christmas Eve Services

Our 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm services on Friday, December 24 will recall the birth of the Christ Child and provide the opportunity to sing beloved carols. The afternoon service will be a traditional service with candlelight and communion, and will feature solo instrumentalists and vocalists. The evening service will be a traditional service with candlelight, and feature instrumental music and traditional carols. Come to remember the spirit of Christmas in word and song as we celebrate the gift of our Savior!

Blue Christmas Service

If Christmas is difficult, come to this quieter Christmas service on Thursday December 9th at 6 pm in the Sanctuary. We still remember the wonder of God’s gift in Jesus Christ, and acknowledge that Christmas no longer feels the same.

Academy Soundwaves Concert Series

 The Apostles Academy of Arts and Science have been working hard to cultivate an exciting program of multiple concerts beginning this December with the Fayette Avenue Brass Quarter on December 5th at 3 pm in the Sanctuary.  All concerts will be held in the sanctuary and the dates for the other upcoming concerts are the Malta Band of Lancaster on Sunday February 20th at 3 pm; The Robin Work Quintet on Sunday April 24th at 3 pm; and Bill Hager on Saturday May 14th at 7 pm.