Praying in Color

Looking for something fun and different during the dark days of winter? Pastor Kathryn will be teaching a new way to pray that incorporates VERY easy body movement and coloring. Mark your calendar for three Tuesday evenings in the Fellowship Hall: Tuesdays Jan 25, Feb 1, Feb 8 from 6-7 pm. Each family will have their own table and there will be appropriate distance so that we can also talk with one another. Please call the office or email Pastor Kathryn to pre-register so we can have the right number of tables prepared.

Church Wide Book Study

Church Wide Book Study: Transforming Congregational Culture
Wednesdays, February 2nd – March 16th.

What has really changed in the wider culture? What does it take for a church to be more than a club or some other good works non-profit? What is the calling Christ died and rose again for? With the endorsement of 40 COA members, this 3rd and final six week series is an opportunity for you to join in the discussion.

In person, 9-10am (parlor/narthex) – Register here or by calling the church office

Zoom, 7-8pm (Zoom) – Registerhere to receive Zoom login information.

Giving and Getting Connected in 2022!

2022 Offering Envelopes

If you have not yet picked up your 2022 offering envelopes, please do so following a worship service or by stopping by the office M-Th, 9-1pm. You can also call the church office (717-392-5718) to let us know you need your envelopes delivered.

Start Using Your New Giving Numbers:

Due to changes in giving preferences and the multitude of changes in membership over the last several years, nearly everyone in the congregation has received a new giving number for 2022. The new numbers have been organized in a way that most people will continue with their new giving number for years to come.
You can either look to your 2022 offering envelopes to see your new giving number, or starting January 12th you will be able to view your new giving number on Realm. Thank you for your understanding as we seek to better steward the resources utilized in God’s ministry!

New Ways to Give!

Get Connected on Realm
Another way you can get inspired in this new year is to get connected on Realm! With direct access to the new online directory and new features like electronic giving and upcoming event notifications now is a great time to get connected with Realm! To get started contact the church office at with your current email address to receive your “Realm Invite”

Join in the discussion!
If you are on Facebook, don’t forget to join the members only Church of the Apostles group where members can connect, share photos, ask questions and get spiritual motivation. To join the group please click here, or you can make an appointment to get help from Schuyler in the office by calling (717) 392-5718 or emailing Office hours are Monday – Thursday from 9 am – 1 pm, and Schuyler would happy to assist anyone wanting to join the Facebook group within that time frame.

Need Help Planning Your Event?
If you would like to advertise your event or want assistance with planning one in 2022, please email Schuyler at or call (717) 392-5718 to schedule an appointment to discuss your marketing needs, room availability, or any other logistics you may want assistance with. During this appoint Schuyler can provide you with a full list of marketing resources available, and you can select where you would like your event to be advertised among other helpful planning tools!