wAcKy WeDnEsDaYs!

wAcKy WeDnEsDaYs begin June 29th and take place each Wednesday through August 3rd. From 10:30am to 11:30am, a story, activity, and snack will be provided to children in Rader Park. Caregivers must also attend. For more information, please call the office or email office@apostlesucc.org.

To register for the event, click here.

Upcoming Stream Study

Get out your boots or water shoes! We’re hosting the Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake Bay for a “How to do a Stream Study Project” on July 19, 2022 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Members of Green Teams from other churches will join us at the Garden of Hope shed and proceed to the creek for “hands-on training”. We’re looking for those with experience, as well as novices.

Refugee Families Have Arrived!

The two refugee families supported by the congregation arrived in Lancaster this month. Bilemanga Bilombele and her children arrived at the beginning of the month, and have been reunited with Mlasi Generina, Bilemanga’s sister, and her four children. The Welcome Team is busy helping the families become acquainted with the area and taking them to care appointments.

We are also collecting cards of welcome for the families. If you’d like to give them a card, please bring them to the church and place them in the basket in the Caring Cart.