Hybrid Hope Workshop

This workshop is designed for church pastors, leadership teams, key volunteers and congregants who are interested in the future of the church.

It will be structured as mostly presentation with time for discussion with folks around tables and an open question and answer period for all. Churches may want to sit with their own group or mix with others. Breaks, snacks and refreshments will be provided.

Participants will leave with:

•       a better understanding of the lasting impact of COVID isolation on the wider church including the latest church research data

•       a better understanding of what it means to be Hybrid Church – not just Hybrid Worship.

•       Practical recommendations and strategies to help churches flourish post COVID

Rev. Dr. Michael Piazza is a spiritual visionary, author, consultant, and civil rights activist who currently serves as senior minister at Broadway UCC, New York City. He has also pastored the Virginia-Highland Church in Atlanta, GA and the Cathedral of Hope in Dallas, TX. Rev. Piazza also currently serves as an adjunct professor of Congregational Renewal at Hartford Seminary.

To Register Please Click Here

Flu & Covid Shots

Melissa Koehler from Hillcrest Pharmacy will be giving flu and covid shots at COA on Sunday, October 2nd between services in the West Wing Lobby. Please call the office or register on Realm if interested so she knows how many to prepare for. We look forward to continuing to keep our church and community healthy.

Click Here to Register

“Vital Vintage Church” Book Study

“Vital Vintage Church” is a book of hope for mainline churches. Its author, the Rev. Michael Piazza, is one who worships every Sunday and has led several churches from a perceived “death” into new life. In this book, we will explore his ideas and talk about how we see this working within our church. Rev. Piazza is also the leader of Agile Church which will be coming to consult with us and hopefully to help us discern our mission for our next season of life. Please prayerfully consider if this is a conversation you want to be part of as we explore our specific place as Church of the Apostles UCC.

Classes will begin on Sunday, Sept 18 with meetings on:

· Sundays at 10 AM in the Parlor

· Wednesdays at 9:30 AM in the Parlor

· Wednesdays at 7 PM on Zoom

Please register through Realm (Click Here), by signing up at the Welcome Center, or by contacting the church office. Books will be available for purchase for $5.

Becoming an Apostle

If you are interested in exploring membership with Church of the Apostles, join Pastor Kuhn for either the 10-11AM or 12-1PM session in Rm 304, for four meetings on September 18, October 9, October 23 and November 13 towards membership. Together we will deepen faith, build connections, and discern God’s leading. Those interested may register on Realm (Click Here) or by calling the church office.

Jazz Ministers Big Band

On Sunday, September 18 The Jazz Ministers Big Band will be performing a concert in the sanctuary of Church of the Apostles UCC, at 1850 Marietta Ave. Lancaster, at 3 pm sponsored by Apostles Academy of Arts & Sciences. A free will offering will be received.

The Jazz Ministers Big Band features 18 musicians who find a common spiritual mission in sharing the gift of music through the Christian worship or concert experience. The group includes five saxophones, four trumpets, four trombones, piano, bass drums, and vocalists. The JMBB draws on a variety of musical selections that are frequently based upon standard Christian hymns and Gospel favorites. Among the selections in the band’s repertoire are arrangements by Ralph Carmichael, Chris McDonald, Dean Sorenson, Fletch Wiley, Ed Hogan, and selections from the Brentwood Jazz Orchestra library. For concert events, the band’s repertoire is expanded to include classics from the big band and jazz orchestra genres.

Heritage & Horizons Fall 2022

On October 4th our 2022 Heritage & Horizons program will begin at Church of the Apostles. This year we are offering two sessions (9:30 – 10:30AM & 10:50 -11:50AM) every Tuesday in October. There will be a $20 registration fee to attend all four weeks, or a $7 fee per week. To find out more about the program, our speakers, and how to register please Click Here.