Let’s Keep it Moving

The Chair & Light body Stretching & exercises have been extended at Salem UCC (Rohrerstown). They will continue through the rest if the winter and into the spring! See the dates below (all on Monday’s)!

They will take a break during the summer months (June, July, & August), but will return in September!

Preschool Sub & Soup Sale

The Apostles Community Preschool will be having their annual S. Clyde Weaver Sub & Soup Sale from now until March 17th. A pint of soup of your choice will be $6, and a sub of your choice is $7. Order forms are located in the church office and must be returned to the ACP Parent Council by the 17th. As always, thank-you for your support!

Garden Plots Available

Church of the Apostles UCC has garden plots available in Rader Park. These plots are 20’x20′ and 20’x40′ and rent for $10 and $15 respectively for the the season. If you have any interest at all you may connect with Marty Holmes in Church or at (717) 898 – 2058. Please click the form above to download and print the order form. Forms may also be picked up in the office during posted office hours or at the Welcome Center during Sunday services. All forms must be returned to the office with payment.

Lenten Book Study

Come & Join us for a 6-week Book Study starting on Sunday, February 26th at 10AM in the Parlor. We will be reading Witness at the Cross by Amy-Jill Levine as we experience Holy Friday from the perspective of those who watched Jesus die. If you are unable to attend the in-person sessions on Sunday mornings, we will also be offering a 7PM session on Wednesdays starting March 1st on Zoom. To reserve a copy of the book please contact Barbara Achtermann at bachtermann@comcast.net or register online via Realm.