“What’s Cooking” Group

As part of our worship series “Come to the Table” this fall, Rev. Kuhn would like to create a group that meets some of our great cooks in the congregation via Zoom. She is willing to come to your house and make a video of you creating one of your favorite dishes and hear about why hospitality and cooking, in particular, is important to you. Then she will create a schedule for members to gather via Zoom on Wednesday evenings to watch the video, talk about what is made and explore the questions together. This is an opportunity to build more community within the congregation as we get to know one another better and receive some of the great recipes from our friends. We are currently looking for cooks who would like to invite Rev. Kuhn into their homes to record a recipe video. If you are interested please sign up on Realm or call the office at (717) 392-5718. Please note registration is only for cooks at this time.

Hawaiian Wildfire Relief

As people of faith, we want to help those who have been affected by the wildfires in Hawaii. Our denomination is reaching out to the churches there. Offerings and collections taken through our local church can be sent to the Conference Office where they will work to distribute the funds to devastated areas and those in need. Individuals may also donate directly through the Conference website, bit.ly/hcuccrelief

UCC History & Polity

From September 17 through October 8, Rev. Kuhn will be offering a class on the history and polity of our denomination and how it has affected who we are and how we operate as a church. Based on the apology to the Afro-Christian Convention which has always been part of our denomination, although not acknowledged, we will be studying this newly acknowledged “stream” of our history. This is designed as an introduction for those who are not familiar with our history as well as a refresher and illuminator for those who have known it. The class will meet in the parlor and via Zoom from 3-4 PM on those Sundays. Registration is available by Clicking Here.