Church Wide Book Study

After so many months of isolation and distancing, you are invited to join with friends and members of Church of the Apostles to discuss Anthony B. Robison’s book, Transforming Congregational Culture. A book written to stimulate conversations around faithful discipleship in a changing world, this 6 session series led by Pastor Joe will meet weekly from July 14th – August 29th (with a break the week of August 9th). To reach as many individuals as possible there are two in person options: Sundays from 10:10-10:50am & Wednesdays from 11am-12pm. There is also a Thursday 7-8pm Zoom option.

To sign up for the in-person sessions, please use our sign-up genius, by clicking here. 

To sign up for the zoom sessions, please click here.

Registration is also available via sign up sheets in the Narthex. Additional questions?  Please feel free to contact that church at 717 392 5718 or email