
The Economy of Jesus

You might wonder what the Economy of Jesus is and I’m gonna get into that.

The Light of the World

This is Epiphany Sunday. Technically tomorrow is Epiphany. It is always on January 6th. It

Humility Before God

When I think about Humility, this verse always comes to my mind, “To act justly,

The Joy of Living

What do you think joy is? We heard from the kids. It was pretty clear

The Challenge of Waiting

On this second Sunday of Advent, we’re talking about waiting. I’m wondering, how well do

Hope for Creation

This is our week to begin this period of waiting and watching. This period is

Become Like a Child

As I said our theme for Advent will be “Through the Eyes of a Child”,

The Beloved Community

I would like us to think about what God’s love looks like. How does that

Freedom, Truth & Reality

Sermon by Rev. Craig Ross This is a time of the year when we often

United in Christ

I thought it was worth noting, that this is a very different scripture than what
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