Week of December 10, 2017

Food Bank
Needs: cold cereal, potatoes (dry or canned), mac ‘n cheese, tuna or hamburger helpers, cookies, canned items including: tuna, fruit, soups, and canned meat

Apostles Assistance Fund
Needs: laundry detergent, women’s deodorant, paper towels, toilet paper, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes

Market Basket
During the first three Sundays of each month, you have the opportunity to buy grocery cards in the office after service. You can buy cards for the following month and pick up the ones you ordered last month. Remember, the discount we earn from purchasing cards in bulk from Giant, Stauffers, and Weis provide food for the Saturday Breakfast downtown once a month. Helping others is easy, as well as a wonderful thing!

Nursery Changes
The Education Commission is in the middle of reorganizing the Nursery. We are currently searching for a paid staff member, but, in the meantime, we are looking for extra volunteers who already have their clearances on file with the church. For the 9:15 service, we will need to have two volunteers for the Nursery for ages 0-3. For the 10:45 service we will have the Nursery open as a crying room only without volunteers.

Lifetouch Photos
If you did not order a photo package to be delivered to your home, your free 8×10 is now available to pick up in the lobby.

“Blue Christmas” Service
If Christmas is difficult, come to this quieter Christmas service on Wednesday, December 13 at 7 pm to still remember the wonder of God’s gift in Jesus Christ and acknowledge that Christmas no longer feels the same.

Apostles Community Preschool’s Christmas Performance: Step By Step
Apostles Community Preschool would like to invite everyone to join them for this year’s Christmas program, Step By Step. Performances will be held on Tuesday, December 19th and Wednesday, December 20th. Doors will open to the Sanctuary at 10:15 am, with performances starting at 10:30 am.

Additionally, they will also have a very special abbreviated preview performance following the 9:15 am morning service on Sunday, December 17th. Please join us for fellowship at approximately 10 am in the Narthex for coffee and pastries. At 10:30 am, the Preschool children able to join us will sing several of the songs from their program in the Sanctuary, being sure to bring smiles to the faces of all who join us.

December 24 Services
There will be one worship service on Sunday, December 24 at 10 am. Our 3 pm and 7 pm Christmas Eve services will recall the birth of the Christ Child and provide the opportunity to sing beloved carols. The afternoon service will be a traditional service with candlelight and communion and will feature our children’s choirs, solo instrumentalists, and vocalists. The evening service will be a traditional service with candlelight, and feature an orchestra plus our adult choirs. Let’s celebrate the gift of our Savior!

Bethany and Hoffman Homes
As in the past, our Christmas Eve offerings will be dedicated to UCC affiliates Bethany and Hoffman Homes, which serves young people with residential and mental health needs. Donations to these special homes provide safe, comfortable, and spiritually- nurturing environments. Please use your special offering envelope on December 24th to give generously to support these homes.

9:15 Service Lay Readers
Glenn Ebersole is beginning to plan the schedule for Lay Readers for the 9:15 am services in 2018. If you are interested in volunteering to be a reader for this service, please contact Glenn at jgepsu21@gmail.com or at (717) 575-8572.

Wishing Well
It’s time for our Holiday Ministry of gifting Martin Elementary School students for Christmas. Please consider helping to make a youngster’s holiday brighter this season. Please take a gift tag from the poster on the Outreach bulletin board in the Narthex and return the wrapped gift with that gift tag attached no later than December 17. We are also collecting new hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves for the students in the School District of Lancaster who have been displaced due to the hurricanes.