Week of February 25, 2018
Food Bank
Needs: cold cereal, potatoes (dry or canned), mac ‘n cheese, tuna or hamburger helpers, cookies, canned items including: tuna, fruit, soups, and canned meat
Apostles Assistance Fund
Needs: laundry detergent, women’s deodorant, paper towels, toilet paper, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes
Wishing Well
Through May, our Wishing Well ministry will be collecting PJs for Conner’s Comfy PJs, a ministry that collects new pajamas for children (sizes 3T-18) who are undergoing cancer treatment at local hospitals. If you have any questions, please contact Jane McCartney.
Pool Party!
Everyone is welcome! Join us today, February 25, from 5-7 pm for an intergenerational pool party at the Homestead Village pool! Please enter through the rear of the building. There will be no lifeguard on duty, so children must be supervised.
Family Movie Night
Come and bring a friend! Join us in the Fellowship Hall on Friday, March 16 at 6:30 pm to watch Disney’s “Moana.” Please bring ONE (1) bag of PLAIN Hershey Kisses. Parents will help stuff Easter eggs for our upcoming Easter Egg Hunt.
Volunteer Drivers Needed
Parish Life is looking for volunteers who would be willing to drive non-drivers to doctor appointments. This would be an occasional need, but we need more volunteers to help.
If you receive a phone call from the church office with a request for a driver and it does not suit your schedule, you can simply decline for that day. If you are willing to add your name to the list please contact the church office at (717) 392-5718 to volunteer.
Lenten Bible Study
Lenten Bible Study will continue every Wednesday at 6 pm in room 304 through March 21. Pizza will be available during the meeting. Please RSVP to the church office at (717) 392-5718 or to Rev. Kuhn, so that the appropriate amount of pizza can be purchased.
Wednesday Evening Lenten Worship
Lenten services, including prayer, scripture, and Holy Communion, will continue each Wednesday through March 21 at 7 pm in the Parlor.
40 Days, 40 Items: Will You Accept the Challenge?
Parish Life has a challenge for you! Each day of Lent, remove one item from your home or closet that you no longer use or need and put it into a trash bag. At the end of Lent, please bring your trash bag to the Fellowship Hall as a donation for our Garage Sale.
It’s Girl Scout Cookie Time!
On Sunday, March 18, Daisy Girl Scout Troop #70435 will again be selling Girl Scout cookies in the church lobby. Between 10:00-11:00 am, the Daisies (kindergarten and first-graders) will have all varieties of cookies available for $4.00 per box ($5.00 for two varieties). Cash only, please. This troop meets at the COA Youth Center twice a month, and is led by Linda Lewis, Katie Zellers, and Marci Knowles.
Crafters Spring Schedule
The Craft Group, which includes the Handiwork Group at this time) will begin meeting on Wednesday, February 28. The schedule will be:
- First, third, and fifth Wednesdays in room 305 from 7-9 pm
- Second and fourth Wednesdays in room 305 from 1-3 pm
Are You Trained for Medical Emergencies?
COA is putting together a list of members who have medical or CPR training for our Ushers Team so that they will know who to call upon to assist in an emergency during a church service. Please contact Donna Carr at skeetcarr@comcast.net to let her know which service you attend if you are willing to be on this list.
Bunny Breakfast and Egg Hunt
Come out for breakfast and pictures with the Easter Bunny on March 24. Breakfast will be served from 8:30-10:30 am. Adults $6, Children ages 2-10 $3. An egg hunt will follow at 10:30 am in the Church Courtyard.
Preschool Basket Auction
In conjunction with the church’s Bunny Breakfast, the Preschool Parent Council will be holding its annual Basket Auction in the West Lobby of the church. The winners will be chosen starting at 10:05 am. Please come and join the fun!