Week of March 20, 2016

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.

Market Basket
Don’t forget to pick up your grocery card order and order for the next month.

Ready for Membership?
There is currently a group forming to become members of Church of the Apostles on April 10. If you have been visiting and are ready to help us decide our future ministries and missions, please speak with Pastor Kuhn.

Buy Stock! Invest in the Youth!
Throughout the month of March, the youth who are attending the National Youth Event will be selling certificates of stock between services. Each of these certificates cost $20 at minimum. The certificate entitles the holder to a seat at our stockholder’s dinner on Sunday, August 28, where the youth will serve and give a presentation on their trip. Look for a youth member in the front lobby/Narthex with a large white envelope to invest today!

Think your kids are too young for “The Talk”?
If you’re thinking of a one-time-and-you’re-done “Talk,” think about this:

  • How many things have you taught your children by telling them only once?
  • If most of the life lessons you’ve taught them unfolded over many small “teachable moments, ”then why should teaching them to respect themselves, their bodies, and others be any different?

Join us on SUNDAY, APRIL 3, from 6:30-8pm in Rooms 308-310, as COA hosts “Let’s Talk: How To Have A Lifelong Conversation About Sex.” This FREE event is open to the public and includes FREE childcare in Fellowship Hall. See the bulletin insert for more information. To RSVP, contact Flo Waldron at waldr005@umn.edu.

Thank You!
The Outreach and Education Commissions want to thank all of the volunteers that helped feed 55 hungry and appreciative guests at Crispus Attucks on March 13th. Preparations began days before with seven volunteers of our kitchen ministry preparing a batch of ham and bean soup. During Sunday School’s Mission Fest, the children and youth helped ice and decorate cookies. Later that day, volunteers warmed soup, made sandwiches, and organized supplies. Seventeen members, including seven youth, met at Crispus Attucks to set up and serve the meal. Socks and underwear that had been collected were offered to those present. Many of our guests had second and third helpings and the leftover soup, sandwiches, and cookies were served the following day at Crispus Attucks Café, its weekday lunch program. Two more volunteers were waiting at our church kitchen to help with clean up after a long day. Thank you to the many volunteers of varying ages that helped make this important ministry possible!

Heritage and Horizons
Heritage & Horizons will begin its 29th year of presenting educational programs at Church of the Apostles on Tuesday, March 29th and each Tuesday in April. All sessions meet in the church sanctuary. Registration brochures are available at the Welcome Center. See Cathie Oliphant for more information.