Week of December 27, 2015

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.

Offering Envelopes
Please remember to pick up your 2016 offering envelopes after service today. They are located on the table in the lobby.

New Member Photos
Chuck Erisman will be photographing new members between services on Sunday, January 10th. If you are a new member who is not currently included in the church photo directory or on the additional insert of recent new members, please call the church office  at (717) 392-5718 to sign up to have your photo taken.

New Moms Support Request
The New Moms Support Group is looking for volunteers to help the Laymon family through February. If interested, please contact Donna Carr at (717) 397-6305.

End of Fiscal Year 2015
Every year the Stewardship Commission allows contributions to be accepted for a few days after the new year to accommodate those who like to consider their tax situation before making their final donations. If you would like to take advantage of this grace period and send a donation in January to be credited to your 2015 statement, please make sure your check is post-dated for 2015 and it is in the office by the morning of January 5th. Thank you.

Children’s Christmas Play
We often forget that Christmas is a season, not a day. We forget that it continues until January 6 when we begin the season of Epiphany. That being said, we have the opportunity to continue to tell the birth story of Jesus with the children during the children’s time on January 3 at the 9:15 am service. On December 27 during Pajama Day, Rev. Heather Giffen (with the help of parents) will be assigning parts and costumes to children who can participate. The children will not have speaking parts, but will be asked to come to the center of the Sanctuary when their part is called. If your child is not able to come on Pajama Day, but you would like them to participate on January 3rd, please email Rev. Giffen at heatherg@apostlesucc.org. Please plan to arrive by 9 am to have your child get a costume and be told the group they will be joining. We look forward to continuing the celebration of this Christmas season with you on January 3!

Pictures or Announcements?
If you have pictures to share within the congregation of events or announcements to be added to the Announcement slides on a Sunday morning, please send them to Soundman@apostlesucc.org. This is the new professional email for Technology Specialist, Anthony Strohm. Thank you for the many things you share as it makes our journey together more meaningful!

New Piano
After years of service (beginning at St. Paul’s), the piano in the choir room is beyond repair. This fall, the choir decided to donate funds earned from pie baking at the Bazaar to purchase a new piano. We have researched and found a piano from the Cunningham Piano Factory in Philadelphia. For $10,690, they will remove the current piano and deliver the new one. We have been blessed with donations, but are in need of additional financial support. If you are interested in supporting this need, please contact Cindy Kahler.