Week of February 28, 2016

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.

Family Movie Night
Join us on Friday, March 4 at 6:30 pm to see Disney’s “Inside Out”! All are welcome to meet in the Fellowship Hall for the movie and snacks. Parents are invited to help stuff Easter eggs for our Easter egg hunt on March 19th.

New Moms Support—Volunteers Needed!
Volunteers are needed to take meals to Anne Hambrick-Stowe Rankin, her husband, Rev. Chris Rankin, and their two older children. Anne and Chris had a premature baby boy named Andrew at the end of January, and he is now home. Please see Donna Carr to volunteer, or you may contact her at (717) 475-5285.

Mission Fest & Crispus Attucks Meal
On Sunday, March 13th at 9:15 am (after children’s time), Sunday school classes will meet in the Fellowship Hall for a puppet show, crafts, and to prepare dessert for the Crispus Attucks meal.

Donations needed include:

  • 1 dozen cookies for Sunday school classes to decorate
  • Underwear – adult and children sizes – to be given to those attending the meal

Volunteers will meet at Crispus Attucks (407 Howard Avenue) at 4 pm to set up and prepare the meal being served. Volunteers are also needed at 6:15 pm to help clean up the COA kitchen. Please contact Judy Waltman to sign up.

Wishing Well
We are going to continue to reach out to those in our community by collecting needed items for the Transitional Living Center (TLC) on King Street. TLC helps many homeless people by providing safe and caring shelter to them until they are able to obtain housing of their own. We will be collecting needed supplies in the Wishing Well during the months of March and April. You can find items needed on two posters (one above the Wishing Well and one on the Outreach bulletin board in the Narthex). Please place items in the well by the end of April. If you have any questions, please see Jane McCartney.

Invest in the Youth—Buy Stock!
Throughout the month of March, the youth will be selling certificates of “stock” in between services that will allow you to invest in the youth for their trip to the National Youth Event this summer. Each of these certificates will be sold for a minimum of $20 each, and will become your “ticket” to our Stockholder’s Dinner on Sunday, August 28, where the youth will do a presentation on their trip in the Fellowship Hall.

New Beginnings
Following a dessert social at 1:00 pm on Thursday, April 14 in the Fellowship Hall, New Beginnings will participate in an adult educational session of “What in the World is This?” (WITWIT). The session will feature lesser-known facts about the world we live in, presented in a multiple-choice format with individual and table competitions.  Come, join in the fun, and learn some things you may not have known before.

Adult Education
The adult education class “Who is My Neighbor?” will continue to meet each Sunday at  10:45 am until March 20th. This program is highlighting speakers on Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. All are welcome to participate in this informative series. Child care will be available. If you have any questions, please contact Doris Robb at (717) 393-7788.