VBS Registration Form

Church of the Apostles and Salem U.C.C. Invite you to join us for VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2015 Place: Church of the Apostles – Rader Park Dates: Sun., June 21-Thurs.,

2015 Apostles Softball Schedule

Baseball schedules are also available at the Welcome Center. Come to enjoy the games and support our team!  

Week of May 24, 2015

Food Bank The food bank will be closed on May 25th. Garden Helpers Needed The garden is growing and so are the weeds! Please stop by on Saturdays between

40th Anniversary T-Shirts

40th Anniversary T-shirts are available to order! Completed orders must be received by May 31th. Please use this order form:  40th Anniversary T-shirt Order Form  

Play Ball!

Our baseball team will be playing on our field Thursday, May 21st at 6 p.m. Thursday will even be a double-header. Please come support our team and bring a

Week of May 17, 2015

Food Bank The food bank will be closed on May 18th and May 25th. Welcome Rev. Nora Smith Rev. Nora Smith was ordained at Church of the Apostles in

Children’s Choir at Clipper Stadium

Photo of The Apostles Children’s Choir at the Barnstormers game to sing the National Anthem in Clipper Stadium on Monday, May 18th.  

Week of May 10, 2015

Watercolor Classes through our Apostles Academy of Arts & Sciences A watercolor class with artist Steve Wilson is open for members and friends on Monday nights from May 11-June

Week of May 3, 2015

Wishing Well Ministry  We are collecting pajamas in support of Conner’s Comfy PJs for children undergoing cancer treatment. If you wish to participate in this wonderful ministry, please purchase