Becoming An Apostle

During the months of October, January, and April, we will be hosting informational sessions on Sunday afternoons at 2 pm in the Youth Center. The purpose of these sessions is

Week of September 25, 2016

Food Bank Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, canned tomatoes, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, and tuna. Heritage and Horizons

New Beginnings

New Beginnings will kick off the 2016-2017 season on Thursday, October 13th in the Fellowship Hall. A dessert social will begin at 1 pm with the program to follow

Week of September 18, 2016

Food Bank Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, canned tomatoes, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, and tuna. Heritage and Horizons

Week of September 11, 2016

Food Bank Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, canned tomatoes, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, and tuna. Lunch with the

Week of September 4, 2016

Food Bank Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, canned tomatoes, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, and tuna. Harvest Home Each