Week of February 27, 2017

Food Bank Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, tomatoes, and tuna. Ash Wednesday Service Ash

Heritage & Horizons

The spring 2017 session of Heritage and Horizons will begin on March 7 and continue for five Tuesdays through April 4. The five-week series costs $15 for the entire

Ash Wednesday Service

Ash Wednesday service will be held on March 1 at 7 pm. Focusing on the theme “Wherever You Are, We’ll Meet You There,” we will explore where we are

Week of February 19, 2017

Food Bank Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, tomatoes, and tuna. Market Basket During the

Widowers Support Group

On Wednesday, February 22 at 3 pm, Rev. Kathryn Kuhn will facilitate a group discussion on the life changes that follow the loss of a spouse. Recognizing that your

Week of February 12, 2017

Food Bank Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, tomatoes, and tuna. Market Basket During the

Widows Support Group

On Wednesday, February 15 at 9:30 am, Rev. Kathryn Kuhn will facilitate a group discussion on the life changes that follow the loss of a spouse. Recognizing that your journeys are

New Beginnings

Rid yourself of the winter blues and join us for a dessert social and bingo party on Thursday, February 9 at 1:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. The cost

Week of February 5, 2017

Food Bank Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, tomatoes, and tuna. Super Bowl Party Middle