Week of July 30, 2017

Food Bank Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, tomatoes, and tuna. Wacky Wednesdays Wacky Wednesdays

Week of July 23, 2017

Food Bank Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, tomatoes, and tuna. Wacky Wednesdays Wacky Wednesdays

All-Church Campout

ALL members are invited to camp out at Rader Park from Saturday, August 5 at 1 pm through the 9:15 am service on August 6. There will be games

Week of July 16, 2017

Food Bank Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, tomatoes, and tuna. Market Basket During the

Youth Center Clean-Up

We will continue the next phase of painting on July 22 from 2 – 7 pm. You are welcome to join us if you would like to help in

Week of July 9, 2017

Food Bank Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, tomatoes, and tuna. Market Basket During the

Week of July 2, 2017

Food Bank Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, tomatoes, and tuna. Market Basket During the