Trunk or Treat and Fall Festival

JOIN US FOR A NIGHT OF FUN & TRICK OR TREATS IN A SAFE ENVIRONMENT Where? Church of the Apostles (1850 Marietta Avenue, Lancaster) When: Saturday, October 20 from

Heritage & Horizons

Mark your calendars for the fall series of Heritage & Horizons lectures on Tuesdays, October 2—30.  It is our 31st year of providing adult learning opportunities, and we have

Family in the Park Science Series

Are you intrigued by nocturnal animals? Come to Rader Park on Saturday, October 6, from 6:30-8:30 pm to learn about owls, bats, and more. We will also make crafts,

Mobile Directory

Our Mobile Directory contains contact information for all the families of Church of the Apostles and is an easy-to-use tool to help you stay connected. PLUS, you will see

Blessing of the Animals

Everyone and their pet(s) are welcome! As we near the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, we will once again offer a Blessing of the Animals on Saturday, September

Movie Night at the Park

Back to school blues? On Saturday, September 15, join us in Rader Park at 6:30 pm to see “Finding Dory” – the story of a little blue fish and