Penn Central Conference

Men’s Retreat January 17 – 19, 2020 Retreat Theme: “The Seasons of a Man’s Life: Explore the themes of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Download the flyer here!

Unity Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

Tuesday, November 26th at 7 PM

Download Thanksgiving Service Program

42nd Annual Bazaar & Craft Show – Saturday, Nov. 9, 2019

Church of the Apostles’ much anticipated 42nd annual Christmas in the Country Bazaar and Craft Show will be held on Saturday, November 9th from 9 AM – 3 PM.  The bazaar draws over 1,000 visitors each year and boasts of over 60 juried crafters, carefully selected yearly for the show.
     This year’s Bazaar will include many long-time and new vendors who will feature crafts, such as: handmade wreaths, baskets, pillows, stained glass decorations, jewelry, paintings, artwork, doll clothes, holiday and seasonal ornaments, hand-carved wood novelties and more!  In addition to crafters, the Bazaar will include the Apostles Crafters Room, featuring handmade craft items created throughout the year by church members.  Also on tap will be the Corner Cupboard with jams, jellies, candies and other beautifully-presented homemade treats.
     Food will be available in Fellowship Hall throughout the event.  The menu will include homemade soups, (vegetable, vegetarian chili and chicken corn soup) hot dogs, barbecue foods, beverages and a large variety of pies!  The pies and apple dumplings will once again be made by the Bischoff family and the Apostles Choir.  They can be pre-ordered or purchased the day of the sale.  Homemade cakes, cookies and candies will also be available.
     Throughout the day, special music will be performed by Church of the Apostles’ talented musicians and choir members.  Visitors are invited to relax and enjoy the music during shopping breaks.
     Proceeds from the food tables, Apostles Crafters and rental fees will support missions, outreach projects and special needs within the church and community.
     There is no charge for this event and ample parking will be available.  For more information, please contact the church office at 717-392-5718. 

For more information visit the following link:
Christmas in the Country

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Help the Homeless


This Special Offering is collected each year to help support the efforts of local and national nonprofits who assist those who struggle with homelessness or the lack of other basic needs.  Because of your generous support of this offering last year, $750.00 was given to The Winter Overnight Shelter program sponsored through the Food Hub. $750 was also donated to The Campus Cupboard which is a food bank at Millersville University which assists the many food insecure students in attendance. Please give generously!