Our Mobile Directory contains contact information for all the families of Church of the Apostles and is an easy-to-use tool to help you stay connected. PLUS, you will see portraits of all our families that participated in our recent photography event. It’s a great way to connect names and faces!

The link to the mobile directory:

The password to the mobile directory was distributed in the recent congregational meeting mailing.  If you did not receive the mailing and a copy of the flyer that contained the password, please contact the church office.

Once you are logged in, you can scroll through the directory, search by name, view family profiles, email, call, map addresses, and view our staff page. The onscreen Guided Tour will walk you through each of these areas. It’s very user friendly!

This online directory will contain the most up-to-date contact information for everyone. To update your contact information, please contact the church office at (717) 392-5718. Periodically, we will be hosting additional photography events to include even more of our family’s portraits in our mobile directory.

Connecting has never been easier! Check it out today.
