Double Feature Storytelling with Bill Hager

Prepare to immerse yourself in an exciting evening as we eagerly anticipate the return of multi-media artist and storyteller Bill Hager and his talented troupe to Church of the

“Come to the Table” Potluck Luncheon

Save the date! Join fellow COA members for a potluck lunch in Fellowship Hall after the 10AM service on Sunday, October 22nd. The newly formed Compassion Team will share

2nd Annual Halloween Parade & Party

Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 21st, from 4-6PM as we proudly present our 2nd annual Halloween Costume Parade & Party! The excitement begins in the Church parking lot,

Dining Around 2023

Do you want to meet more members of our congregation? Join the Dining Around group. You can join as an individual, a couple or a family. The groups will be for approximately

Flu & Covid-19 Shots

Melissa Koehler from Hillcrest Pharmacy will be giving flu and Covid-19 shots at COA on Sunday, September 17th starting at 11AM in the Parlor. Please call the office or register on