Always Room

I want to go back to that first scripture (1 John 4:7-13) about love because a lot of times when we talk about love, I think we’re a little

Malta Band of Lancaster Concert

Experience the rich musical heritage of Lancaster with The Malta Band on May 19th at 3 PM at Church of the Apostles UCC! Established over one hundred years ago, The Malta Band is one

Shepherding Our Lives

This image of Jesus as the good Shepherd is one that I think we really love. I think it’s one of those beloved things. So I did choose a

What Does It Mean To Be Family?

What does it mean that we call ourselves family in the church? I’m wondering what ideas you had. The children said they’re people that you love and care for,


Today begins with this very uncomfortable scene. The women go to the tomb with expectations. They expect to find a dead body. They expect to do what they feel