Joel Makeci Free Concert

Experience the electrifying rhythms of Joel Makeci on August 25th at 3pm! Hailing from Lancaster, Joel Makeci is a Congolese American singer, songwriter, and bandleader whose journey from refugee

Planting Seeds

The scriptures for today are actually a sermon I preached last week. Maybe I’ll just use the same sermon, right? That’s what pastors usually do, right? They just regurgitate

A New Earth

This summer season, we are focused on the environment. This is a part of our mission and vision to be advocates for the environment. So we are looking at

Untied or United

The scripture text for our contemporary words this morning is this, “That they may be one as you father are in me and I am in you, may they

Valuing Creation

A good friend suggested that I create this sermon as a sermon for my granddaughter, Frankie. So we can share this with her later in life, to tell her