Become Like a Child

As I said our theme for Advent will be “Through the Eyes of a Child”, where we’ll focus on the awe and the wonder. Because as I listen, I

The Beloved Community

I would like us to think about what God’s love looks like. How does that feel if you had to describe God’s love? What would you say about it?

Freedom, Truth & Reality

Sermon by Rev. Craig Ross This is a time of the year when we often think a lot about the word freedom, right? Elections are a corporate event that

Carols of Comfort & Hope

✨ Join us for a peaceful moment in the holiday season! On Tuesday, December 10th at 3 PM, we’ll gather in the Church of the Apostles Sanctuary for a

United in Christ

I thought it was worth noting, that this is a very different scripture than what we have been studying the past two weeks. We were looking at scriptures coming