Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.

Installation Service
The Lancaster Association of the United Church of Christ and Church of the Apostles United Church of Christ invite you to the Installation of Reverend Heather Giffen as Associate Minister today, May 22 at 3:00 pm. A reception in the Narthex will be held immediately following the service.

Widows Support Group
Widows who are looking for others to talk with about the loss of a spouse are invited to join Pastor Kuhn on Wednesday, May 25th in the Parlor from 9:30-11:00 am. Refreshments and snacks will be served. COA members and non-members are welcome.

St. Anthony of Padua church (501 East Orange Street, Lancaster, PA 17602) has extended an invitation to all music lovers to join them on Sunday, June 5 at 4:00 pm for a rededication and celebration of their refurbished pipe organ. Texas-based performers Stephen Distad, organ, and Justin Langham, trumpet, will present a concert of works by Bach, Gigout, Holst, Langham, Saint Saens, and Telemann. There will be a cold buffet supper in the parish hall following the concert. A free-will donation will be accepted. Free parking is available.

New Beginnings
Begin your summer with a “New Beginnings” picnic on Thursday, June 9 at 12 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Hot dogs, rolls, condiments, and beverages will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. A hymn sing will round out the program.

Spread the Light!
The Penn Central Conference Mission Project is to collect LED light bulbs for food banks throughout our association.  Please consider donating light bulbs for this project. They will also be collected in the Wishing Well. The bulbs will be taken to the conference on June 10th so we will need them before then. Thank you for helping to Spread the Light!

Wishing Well
We are collecting pajamas for Conner’s Comfy PJs to be distributed to children receiving cancer treatments in local hospitals. They are asking for pajamas for girls and boys ages 4 to 16. Please place them into the Wishing Well before May 26th. Thank you!

Stewardship: Electronic Donations
Every now and then it’s good to remind people of some of the programs in place here at Church of the Apostles. The Stewardship Commission has made it possible for you to sign up for Electronic Funds Transfers from your checking account directly into the church’s checking account. It’s one more detail you can get off your mental check list.  Ask the office for the application form. You determine how much and how often you want to give to the church, and the two banks take care of the details. Your donation arrives on time, every time. This helps the church budget, it smooths out the peaks and valleys of giving, and it relieves you of another detail to remember to do. Try it out soon. We think you’ll like it.

