Thank you!
By sharing gifts that embody our faith, hope, and love, lives are changed and the world is transformed. Your gifts of time, talent, and treasure make a profound difference in the ministry of sharing God’s love with ALL people! Thank you for responding to God’s invitation to give.
Sharing your time and talents with us is one way you can support COA. Whether you join us for worship, help with our next fundraiser, or give a few hours on one of our many service and outreach projects, your gifts of time will help us minister to our community and the world beyond.
Current Needs – Click here to see a list of volunteer opportunities where we currently have the most openings to serve, and get more information on how you can sign up to help.
Click on each ministry below for more information on each opportunity, as well as the name of the coordinator. If you would like to volunteer to help in one of these areas, be sure to reach out to the office ( and mention the name of the ministry you’d like to be connected to.
Hospitality Table / Fellowship Table Host
The Implementation Team is looking for volunteers to manage the fellowship table each Sunday. Hospitality Table hosts will setup and tear-down a small snack area in the Narthex for after our combined service at 10 AM. Church of the Apostles currently has an abundance of sweet and salty snacks that can be offered at the table. We are asking volunteers to provide a fresh snack option such as, fruit trays, veggie trays, cheese and crackers, etc.
Coordinator: Judy Ruppert
Help Tend Our Garden
Our Seeds of Hope Garden needs tending for the season! If you love spending time outdoors and can spare a few hours, please join us in the garden this summer.
Coordinator: Carol Nielsen
Worship Flower Delivery
Join our team of volunteers who deliver worship flowers to shut-ins and hospitalized members of our congregation. Delivery can take place at your convenience, sometime Sunday afternoon or Monday.
Coordinator: Bernie Fickes
Faith Formation Helpers
Join our team of volunteers who assist Sunday School teachers in working with our children ages three and up each Sunday during the 10 AM worship service.
NOTE: This opportunity is restricted to individuals who have been members of COA for at least a year, and have current security clearances and Youth Volunteer paperwork on file in the church office.
Lay Readers
Join our team of Lay Readers who provide Scripture readings during our 10 AM worship services on Sundays.
Coordinators: Betty Reiff and Glenn Ebersole
Arrive 15-30 minutes before one of our Sunday worship services and greet everyone with a warm welcome. Help guests find restrooms and direct them to the sanctuary for worship.
Coordinators: Helen Ebersole & Nancy Steger
Hand out bulletins before Sunday morning worship, assist people to their seats as needed, and help with any other needs that may arise during worship.
Music Ministries
Sing in our Senior Choir during either service, perform with our Handbell Choir approximately once per month, or share your instrumental talents with us during worship periodically. We also offer several Children’s Choir opportunities for youth from age three through grade seven; these choirs perform approximately once per month.
Click Here to be directed to our choirs page.
Whether you have a knack for baking, a knack for clearing out your unwanted clutter, or a knack for finding needed items on sale, your donations of goods will also make a huge difference in supporting our ongoing ministries and outreach programs:
Click Here to be directed to our Current Missions & Projects page.
Our treasure is where are hearts are. We welcome whatever you can give. Your financial support will help us as we serve our community and reach out to the world beyond. There are several ways you can give:
Click Here to be directed to our Giving page, where financial giving options are available.