About Us

The vision of Church of the Apostles UCC:
“Sharing Christ’s Love with All People.”

At Church of the Apostles UCC, we are committed to embodying God’s love through:

  1. Inclusive Refuge: We are an open and welcoming community, providing a safe space for all to come as they are.
  2. Compassionate Justice: We stand as advocates of social justice, working to create a more equitable and compassionate world.
  3. Environmental Advocacy: We recognize our responsibility to care for our environment as a precious creation of God.


Church Contacts

Phone: 717-392-5718 
E-mail: office@apostlesucc.org

Member Mobile Directory on Realm

Log-In to Realm to access the Directory or contact us at office@apostlesucc.org. 

Church Location

Church of the Apostles
1850 Marietta Avenue
Lancaster, PA 17603