Category: Sermons

The Challenge of Waiting

On this second Sunday of Advent, we’re talking about waiting. I’m wondering, how well do you wait? Think of the places and times you’ve had to wait. How good

Hope for Creation

This is our week to begin this period of waiting and watching. This period is where we look for what new thing is God doing in this world. How

Become Like a Child

As I said our theme for Advent will be “Through the Eyes of a Child”, where we’ll focus on the awe and the wonder. Because as I listen, I

The Beloved Community

I would like us to think about what God’s love looks like. How does that feel if you had to describe God’s love? What would you say about it?

Freedom, Truth & Reality

Sermon by Rev. Craig Ross This is a time of the year when we often think a lot about the word freedom, right? Elections are a corporate event that

United in Christ

I thought it was worth noting, that this is a very different scripture than what we have been studying the past two weeks. We were looking at scriptures coming


If I would ask you, who are those in our culture you would name as blessed? Think about that. Who does our culture say is blessed? I think about

Loves Acts

Let me begin by saying that this was one of the hardest sermons I have given in a very long time because it does not support my theology. When

Reflecting the Nature of God

Whenever we hear the words from first chapter of Genesis, we think about the master plan of God’s creativity out of chaos, out of an ugly world of nothing.

Who Is Our Neighbor?

This week, I received an email from the Lancaster County Food Hub, which seemed like it fit in with our story. The email included an account by a person