Community Clean-Up: Rader Park and Brubaker Run

Get ready to roll up your sleeves and embrace our mission of environmental care and advocacy as we dive into the work of caring for God’s earth.

Join Church of the Apostles UCC on April 7th, 2024 at 10:30 AM for our Rader Park & Brubaker Run Clean-Up. Starting by the garden shed in the park, let’s unite from 10:30 AM to Noon to beautify our community space.

Before the clean-up, members and guests are invited to attend worship starting at 10 AM, where our congregation will bless all our volunteers. Afterward, Rev. Kuhn will lead those willing to help down to the park.

As environmental advocates, Church of the Apostles UCC is committed to preserving and nurturing our natural surroundings, starting with maintaining the beauty of our own park.

Let’s make a difference together!

Learn More About Rader Park and Our Vision & Mission of Environmental Care & Advocacy.
